*head desk*

May 09, 2010 22:50

Going through second drafts of the second book in the Indon text book series.

WtF editor person. I don't care that the kids haven't been specifically taught the word 'terbang' (to fly) yet. They can either a) look it up in the dictionary; b) look it up via Google Translate; or c) work it out via process of elimination. SHEESH!

The derby league has had this stupid ridiculous run of injuries lately. And these aren't pissy little "ooh, I fell heavily and need to rest my knee for two weeks" kind of injuries. The two that ended up in hospitalisations happened away from derby and rollerskates, but still - breaking your back in two places is not fun, and neither is gastro leading to kidney failure (!)

And on the track, well about 3 or 4 weeks ago we had one skater out with a fucked-up knee, then another skater broke two bones in her hand, and just last night another skater broke her foot/ankle in two places.

And just now, I log onto the forum to catch up on news, to find out that two skaters from a Sydney league have been hit by a bus. Aye carumba.

All last week, all next week are teaching rounds. I'm still busy. So busy. Always busy. Enjoy this update, lord knows when there'll be another.
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