Cleaning ever cleaning....

Dec 06, 2009 17:58

So if you are a FB friend you know that I am doing some winter cleaning... Yes like spring cleaning deep and dirty, since it has been many months since this has been done in this house... Yes I know- it would be easier if you did a little every week, that's disgusting... months (my grandmother is rolling over in her "grave"[she was dusted over the ocean]), Pig sty comes to mind... whatever it is getting cleaned now.
I hate having bottles of chemicals in my house and never have the right one anyways. I am very sensitive to bleach though I love the killing power of bleach. So this last 2 weeks I have found some make at home chemicals for cleaning that I wanted to write down in on place and share it with my friends too.

The first is my most favorite!
I have lots of those body mists laying around popular gifts at christmas, and I never use them. My first job as a tech my boss was extremely sensitive to scents and I got out of habit of wearing the body mists. I have 6 bottles or so of the stuff.

1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1/2 cup body mist
1 cup water
1 tablespoon vinegar

Using isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar together makes a quickly evaporating spray glass and mirror cleaner that competes with national brands. This can also be used to give a nice shine to hard tiles, chrome, and other surfaces. What I have found is that the oils in the body mist do add a little more need to polish it dry but keeps the fog from sticking to the mirrors in the bathroom. And it smells good...

Linoleum Cleaner

Place 1 tablespoon of liquid soap (I used my organic dish soap) and a quarter cup of washing soda (I used borax because I didn't have washing soda) in your cleaning bucket. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar and two gallons of hot water. Use to clean linoleum (non-wax) floors.

organic cleaning, winter preparations

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