Covid-19 and general updates

Mar 18, 2020 11:23

The COVID-19 crisis is a reminder for me to practice humility. This means to think of others more and think of myself less. I am vigilant about handwashing and realize I am privileged to be able to stay home except for doctor's appointments and trips to the grocery store to pick up food and meds.

Yes, we do have delivery for meds. Unfortunately, the people in my building often steal packages.

No, I am not being selfish by going to the doctor for routine appointments. I have specifically checked with my doctors and they said it is still OK for me to go. My area is not clogged up with COVID-19 patients. I know I am privileged and am grateful for this.

I need to be kinder to my wife and listen to her more often, even when she talks for hours about the same thing. (I have timed her.) She has also had to put up with my spiraling about nonsense.

It's been a while since I've posted here.

I divorced and remarried in 2016. I've been remarried for three years now.

I've been exercising on the bike every day. My next physical is April 27th and I'm worried the doctor will want to put me on statins if my cholesterol is too high. Statins increase the risk of Type II diabetes and both my dad and grandma had it. So that is an excellent incentive for me to never skip a workout!
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