Feb 22, 2007 09:02
So, I forgot to stop by here and update about what was going on in Lost Haven. I'm pleased to report that we now have over 40 unique accounts and 70 avatars! Woot! Go us!
That's not bad for a guild that only formed in December.
We're also lvl 21 now and moving up. The topmost level being 60, respectively.
We have somewhere around 8 currently active Ventrilo users from people all over the country and at least 1 person located in the U.K. *huggles Chrispy* I could listen to him talk all day. =P
So, it's getting quite interesting at Lost Haven. ;)
Now that "Rez" is home (Dale) we've been playing like mad and having an awesome time. To be perfectly honest, this is really my social life. And sad as that may sound to some people, I would choose this over the local bar or crack hang-out ANYDAY. Sorry, but most people in the Lawton/FortSill area are scum. It's just that simple. I've tried to be a "social butterfly" in Lawton when I was with Philip. It's a joke. At least I share some common interests with these people and most of them are genuinely interesting and easy-going. =) So, I'm absolutely loving it. And that's what really matters. This is the best way to make online friends, imo.
So anyway, the website is open to everyone. Snoopster wants me to create a sub-division for "Lost Haven Friends" where random people can sign up and participate in the Forums. We do a little bit of everything. We post funny video clips, pictures, comics, whatever, so long as it's game related.
So, here is your formal invitation to check out the website I'd killed myself over for three weeks. =/
If you want to sign up, be sure and reply to this post with the user-name you provided so I can grant you proper access.
Til next time,