blahdee blahdee blaaaahhhh

Jan 20, 2007 09:25

I hate having to come up with subject lines. It's like I'm trying to write a chapter of my life on a tiny insignificant square of html code.. fooey.

Okay, I know I haven't written on here in ages or at least what seems like ages,.. but the truth is I'm tired of complaining and that seems like all I ever do on here, lol.

So, instead I'm going to start updating about something that interests me but will more than likely bore the ever-loving SH** out of all of you! haha

So, consider yourselves warned. You don't have to read the full post because simply glancing at the date and time of the posts I make henceforth, you'll at least know I'm alive, right?

=D Sweet!

On to the geekiness....

Okay, where to begin...

I quit my job a week or so before Christmas due to the lies and manipulation of their employees. So I'm blissfully without work, at the moment. I've been running the route for my dad off and on so that's picked up the slack quite a bit. I make more money in one week of working with my dad than in three with Dollar General. *grumble*

But anyway, that's behind me now.

Dale is doing fantastic on his truck. He always sounds so happy and full of confidence when I talk to him. He's only got a few more weeks of training and he will be out on his own. That's when he'll really start seeing the fruits of his labor. Right now, the pay isn't so hot. But we expected that going in so it's all good.

While he was here over the Christmas break we set up his EQ account again and had a total blast geeking out all day. I was randomly invited to a guild, which is not surprising considering the level of my character. Akota is now a 56 berserker and most upper level characters are highly sought after in guilds because they can group with most levels by mentoring down a few notches.

Well, the guild wound up being a fantastic choice for me. I've been in several and they were all highly disappointing. But this guild, Lost Haven, is full of very fun and fantastic people. It was a long-shot, mind you. When I joined the guild they were only level 5 (out of 60). It's rare this late in the game to find a low level guild that has what it takes to hold together. There are so many other guilds out there that have much more to offer because of their rank. Simply put, most people don't want to work hard to help their guild reach those ranks. It's much easier when someone else has already done all the work for you. But the downside to that is, you'll be lost in the shuffle once a guild is that high. Friendships have already been formed, the pecking order has been set, and you're just a little nobody who joined because you're lazy.

Well, I'm just not that way. I'd rather see a guild grow from the very beginning stages. So, I took a chance on Lost Haven and hit a home run. ;)
The guy who runs it is super friendly and a joker. We talk on Ventrilo just about every day so the lines of communication there are just fantastic. He made Akota and Rezorak (Dale's character) co-leaders and after talking ventrilo for quite a while and getting to know one another he put me in charge of designing the guild website.

Now, Snoopster (the guild leader) is an older more experienced gentleman who knows a thing or two about teamwork. He's a box full of knowledge and life experience and I absolutely love talking to him. I gave him total creative freedom when it came to the banner and color scheme of the website. That was a wonderful experience for me, because he really doesn't know anything about the graphics program I use, so he didn't know my limitations and what was within the realm of possibility. I simply told him, "anything you want, I can do it.".

And so, our guild banner was born! I sent a few rough drafts his direction, and he looked them over and asked me to make a few changes, we talked back and forth a few times about what he wanted down, how he wanted it to look, etc etc and within a few short hours after the rough draft, we had a finished product that he was apparently very happy with!

I was so happy I could pull off a commissioned piece like that. I made very few suggestions and NEVER even hinted that any changes he wanted made to the rough draft would be difficult, let alone impossible. And in reality, I learned that I simply COULD pull off anything he threw my direction. It was a wonderful feeling and boosted my confidence in my work a great deal.

And though the website is not yet open to the public, I will share the banner I worked so hard on.

Lost Haven Banner 2

The site will be coming along in due course. It's taking a while since D33z (a friend of the guild leader) keeps odd hours and it's hard for us to get on Vent at the same time.

I keep Dale informed on what the guild is doing and he makes suggestions every now and then. So everyone on the guild knows through me that Rez is still participating and anticipating the day he gets a decent laptop that will run the game while he's on the road. ;)

In other news, we're planning on moving in the next few months. We pretty much have our hearts set on Sycamore Village, a small mobile home community not far from here. Theres a double-wide there that caught my eye. They're asking 42k for it but I haven't seen the interior yet. Judging from the looks of it, it's pretty cozy inside. The lady I talked to mentioned it had a fireplace and it was very spacious. That's always a good thing. Dale and I aren't really interested in staying cramped up in a small one. Especially since we will most likely be there for a long time. Oy, and there will most likely be kids on the way eventually. ;) *crosses fingers*

Okay, I'm typed out. Me, Dad, Debbie and James are going to view the house here in a few hours. I'll probably update about that either later today or tomorrow.

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