But I'll post anyway.
I've got my IMVU store up and running. You can see some of my products by clicking
here. I'm pretty happy with most of the stuff I've made so far. My Bambi sticker seems to be the biggest seller. =P Though I've sold quite a few of the Homestar Runner tee shirts too. I plan on expanding on that area a bit. I have lots of ideas!
I have an interview on Wednesday with Paragon Apartments. They're looking for a Manager trainee to live on site. And since I'm still living here with dad I figured that might be a win/win situation. Not that I want to leave,.. I mean,.. if I do get the job and have to move, I can't take Piper with me. And that is a seriously depressing thought. He's my dog. I don't want to abandon him like that. But, I'm in a volatile situation here at home. Bills are going to start piling up on me and Dale can't really help until his CDL training is complete. So, desperate times call for desperate measures, I suppose. And I was really really hoping I would get called back for an interview with the Southwest Oklahoma Blood Institute for the courier position. Who knows,... it could happen.
I really hate the idea of going into this interview with such mixed feelings though. I NEED the job,.. but I don't necessarily WANT it. =/ But hey, I guess we've all been there at some point.
Dale is heading out for Fort Worth today. He's so excited. He and his trainer hit it off so well. In fact, what happened was, Dale and his class went out to the Prime Terminal in Springfield to get a little hands-on training on Friday. Dale just took to that truck like a duck to water. Some of the other guys were doing okay, but one of them was having problems so Dale helped him out a little. It was at that point that a trainer noticed. And he came up to him and basically was like, "Man, you got this down. If you don't mind, I'd like to be your trainer!". How about that! I was so thrilled. I was praying that he would get a good trainer. Someone with whom he wouldn't clash with. So, this is so fantastic. I had to go brag to everyone here about him. =D
And apparently it just got better. His trainer called him yesterday so they could get a little extra hands-on training at the terminal. And, once again, Dale wow'd him. XD
So, they're heading out today for the good stuff. Now, if Dale can show the same attention to detail with his log-books, he'll be good to go. lol He's bad about paperwork. But, I know that he's taking this very seriously, so I"m not worried.
One thing happened this week that really bothered me though. I got a random call from a guy named "Buddy". Well, actually, it was for Dale but he was in Missouri at the time.
This *ahem* gentleman,... greeted me with:
"eh,.. is Toni thar" using a much over-done ebonics dialogue that fell miles short of impressing me.
My brain was racing trying to decifer this code and figure out who the hell was on the other line.
"Who?" I repeated.
No one here calls him "Tony". He doesn't even introduce himself that way anymore.
"Tone-ee", the pseudo white guy said.
I say pseudo because I could tell he was a white person but he was making every effort to sound like a NIGGER. And no,.. I don't mean a black person,.. I'm talking about a foul-mouthed, gangsta, hate- spewing, sadistic, NIGGER. There IS a difference. And, I'm sorry,.. but talking like your garbage that just crawled out of a gutter has NEVER impressed me. It's not a culture,.. its an excuse to be lazy and disrespectful.
So, back to our "cracka" here.
"No," I told him. "He's in Missouri... who are you?".
He made a valiant attempt to introduce himself. "....Buddy".
"... Buddy... never heard of you..." I said.
Yeah, so, I don't remember Dale ever mentioning a "Buddy" and we've been friends for nearly ten years now. So, naturally, I'm wondering how in the hell this ass-hole got my phone number and I'm wondering WHY he's decided to call. Dale and I have had numerous conversations about our past. Things we've done. Mistakes we've made. And how sometimes its just better to leave your past behind you. Even some of your so called "friends". I got a bad feeling about this Buddy person from the start. I knew he was most likely one of Dales old "drug friends". But I gave him the benefit of a doubt anyway. I mean, what am I gonna say? "Hey,.. are you a drug addict? Cuz if you are he won't talk to you." lol I mean, seriously.
So, before I can really think of where to take this conversation he says,
"So, what are you, like his ol' lady or somthin?"
"I guess you could say that,.... we've been together for a long time."
"He got keedz yet?"
"Um,.. no,.. but he wants them eventually,..."
".... he fuckin up den,...*laughs*"
Well, as you can see,.. Mr. Buddy is a real winner. Eloquent speaker. I have to admit that it took me the rest of the conversation to rebound from the shock that someone was soft enough in the brain to talk to someone they don't know like this. I'm still reeling from it,.. but now I'm angry. And I wish to hell I had snapped back into reality a little quicker because I would've snatched his non-existent balls through that phone. But anyway, back to the story. I recited everything that happened to Dale when I talked to him that night. He was FURIOUS. He asked for his number so he could cuss him out but I declined. I was on the road anyway and didn't have it. I really wasn't too convinced that he would call back anyway. So we decided to just let it go and ignore him.
But then it gets more interesting. The next day, Jaime calls here. Jaime is one of Dale's good childhood friends. Again from a heavy drug setting. Dale has tried so hard to get Jaime to clean up but nothing he's ever said has made a difference. Jaime just placates him and tells him he's clean, then of course Dale finds out that he's not. But the truth is, Jaime doesn't want to be clean. He want's things back the way they were, Dale included. He's even told me to my face that he hated me at one point because I "took Dale away from him." So, ever since that outburst of honesty I've looked at Jaime with a very skeptical eye. He had told me that he was happy for Dale now and that he didn't hate me anymore.... but I just have a very hard time swallowing that one.
Especially since Jaime was the one who gave Buddy my phone number,....
Yeah, so... *dun dun duuuuun* the drama continues.
I told Dale what had happened. I was nice to Jaime on the phone. I always am. I don't think he's done anything to really deserve having his ass chewed. Not by me, anyway. But Dale was pretty pissed when he heard that Jaime had given out our phone number to this psycho, Buddy. So, I gave him Jaime's number and he had a discussion with him about it. I'm very proud of Dale. I feel so sorry for him too though. Having to stand up to friends he cares about, that he knows are never going to change. I really wish Jaime would grow up. I know there is a good person in there somewhere, just dying to get out. But he's so jealous of me and bitter that he and Dale aren't the "dynamic duo" anymore. He can't seem to get past it. I mean, in all honesty, I want to be Jaime's friend too,.. but he won't let me. He keeps trying to relive the past and drag Dale down a road he doesn't want to travel anymore. Dale wants better for himself. He wants better for Jaime too, but I think he's given up at this point. And now he's just shutting the door on them all until they can figure it out on their own.
So, yeah, I'm pretty pissed that Jaime brought this shit to our door. But, I'm glad that Dale had the chance to reaffirm what he wanted and what his intentions are to Jaime. Jaime is just so obvious about it all. He constantly uses the excuse, "well yeah, but we were all friends when we were kids, ya know, I didn't think it'd be a problem,..." Every time something like this happens. Well, it IS a problem. If one of you has cleaned up and the others constantly try to get him back into the loop,.. that's a BIG problem.
Ahh well,.. I wish them all lluck. But, forgive me for sounding selfish, Dale and I are quite happy where we are. And if they don't want to follow suit, they will be replaced.