happy b-day to me!

Mar 10, 2005 21:09

who would have thought i'd make it this long? 24 years old. i had a pretty good birthday overall - i aced my psych lab report and passed the midterm, which i was very nervous about. and i got 5/5 on my last 2 psych lecture quizes. other than the blizzard i had to walk in it was a pretty cool day.

wow, i haven't updated in forever. lets see... last week Shawn, his brother and I all went to a Monster Truck show at the Silverdome with Brad. we had a blast :) everyone got along and no one got pissed off. Brad was cracking me up for most of the show. other than the killer migraine that developed it was an awesome weekend, though i am looking forward to having a lazy weekend. Shawn's coming up friday and my parents are taking up out to dinner on sunday. Brad's not coming over till April, but that will be fun, we always seem to have a blast (and i always end up laughing till i get hiccups) :D

things are going pretty well this semster. i went over 120 days before i broke down and cut. but it was a tiny one and i stopped at one, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me - especially since i went through a horrible depression the week before spring break. but that part is over (thank god).

i know i should go out an celebrate my brithday but i'm kind of enjoying a night all to myself, not doing homework. tomorrow i have a bunch of stuff to do on campus and i want to go tanning (yes i fake and bake lol, it's so addictive). hopefully things will continue to go well and i don't sink into another depression anytime soon. right now i feel like i'm on the verge of hypomanic but not quite there. i want to stay in this mood. this is a decent mood for me to be in - i can get shit done and not want to crawl under the covers and hide or try to do a bah-zillion things at once.

i'm going to try to update more often. *hugs* to everybody
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