Sep 07, 2004 15:48
boooooooooooooooooooooooooooored outta my mind. ive got class in a little over an hour, and oh ive gotta figure out a topic for my informative speech. hmm i was thinking maybe summerfest, but i dont know how much information there actually is to talk about. i was home this past weekend, it was really nice to be home. i didn't really want to come back to school just yet, but when i got back here, i was happy. so much freedom here. life is good. me, rina, nicole, and shannon watched cabin fever last night. ha... what a great movie. we're gonna go to target tonight and hopefully get a rug- we need one. i should be coming back home not this weekend but next (the 17th). ive gotta get my hair done, see one of kaitlyn's soccer games. and see some people....