Bitches will be bitches.
Boston is boston.
Anyways lets move on now.
Every post (well just about) has a section where I bitch about everything I POSSIBLY CAN.
Today its about BITCHES. My friends ex girlfriend is always messaging her and making her feel like shit and I am so sick and tired of this bitch. She's obnoxious, disgusting looking, arrogant and a CHEATER. She's fake, a douche, and a cunt. I don't understand her whatsoever because she's psychotic. I wanna bitch slap the bitch.
Anyways, on the good side of the day.
My friends mom is letting her go to Anime Boston with me :]
I cannot wait!
Friday at 10 AM we are going. My cosplay schedulee~
Friday- L from deathnote
Saturday- Misty from pokemon
Sunday- Kitteh or Misty again.
I can't wait for this amazing weekend. Im going to have so much funnnnnn:)