Hi everyone ^^!

Aug 21, 2006 15:36

So a mess load has been going on lately, nothing bad or terrible, but alot of interesting stuffs. So as I sat in the chair spinning about I realized.. I havent made an LJ post in a while lets type it all out to remember it!

Well a few days ago I feel a hand poking me early in the morning on my day off..and I mean EAARRLLLYY. I see Walks standing over me with a grin on his face only to hear a few seconds later. "Hey get up I need to drop a laptop off to a co-worker." Well I kind of groaned and rolled over to go back to sleep. So 5 minutes later we where in the car. (I can never seem to win) and driving down the highway to give his co-worker back the laptop.. we arrive at our destination and make the buisness transaction. Thats when I saw Jimmy Johns "The worlds fastest sammich delivery!" I have never been to one and man I love that little Sun icon thingy so in we went ^^! Woot for cute little icons! The food was realy good, and with that done we headed home.
Now we didn't make it to far.. a few miles down the road we got on the highway.. and thats when we hear a "Whump... whump whump whump whump" The back left tire blew.... So we pull off to the side of the highway and go to inspect it. its completely flat.. and I was not about to ruina rim and pay another 500 to replace it on top of the 400 it would cost for the tires. So we pop the rear hatch and get out the doughnut and the stuff to take off lug nuts.. or whatever they are called. However.. the car jack is missing. **Sigh** And its a 5 mile hike to the next aea that we could get one. So we start truckin down the side of the highway which was kinda fun and adventurous actualy.. the only bad part was the incredable humidity. Finaly we make it to K-mart and the only jack they had was like 50+lbs, however it came in a handy dandy little plastic box with a handle. So we spend like 75$ on the thing and sime fix a flat for future leaks and make our way back to the car. Well the walk up to k-mart was fun we even got a ride from a cop .. the last mile. **Twirls finger** Yay !! But the back of the cop car was soooo uncomfortable..though it was fun pretending to be a crook who got arrested for the minute we where there. Well the walk back was misserable.... no help.. and lugging that thing stunk. However we exevtualy made it, and just as we start to take the wheel off another cop pulls up behind us. He was actualy helpfull, showed us the most efficient way to get the bolts off and how to quickly change the tire. Wooot Police force! Did I mention both cops where huge... like football player huge not fat huge. These Columbus cops are tanks! Well anyways we got the doughnut on and headed home, a long but rather fun and interesting day ^^

Not the next day but the following I find myself driving home from a long day being Willy Wonka, and am stopped at the last lgiht before the house when I suddenly get rearended by a guy driving behind me. I was not hurt, and thankfully the guy behind me was ok to. I could see him surprised but safe in the rearview mirror. I pull off the road into the parking lot after the light to check the car and to wait for the guy to pull in to see if he was ok and thats when I heard his tires screetch and him peel off. I never seen anyone get in an accident and leave before. I was confused. But I did not care, no one was hurt thats what mattered. Looking at the back of my car the bumper was pushed in. I reached under and was able to pop it back out. There where a few scratched and 3 holes poked in the plastic part that overlays the bumper but nothing bad. I got home and played some videogames, all in all a good day. ^^

Lets see, Oh well today our Martial arts classes are gonna be held outside. I never had a classoutoors before this is going to be realy cool ^^ We have these cool blue and white uniforms and just such an awsome group of guys and girls that participate, I am excited to go. We have been doing Wah Lung for a few weeks now and I plan on doing it for a long time to come ^^!

Well class is gonna start soon so I better get dressed and ready. Hope everyone is doing great and have an awsome day!

**hugs all around**
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