Woa huge update ^^

Nov 01, 2005 12:21

Hehehe where to start... Hmmmmmm Ahh got it!

Well I finished my halloween costume the night before my boss wanted me to go into work Dressed up for the Mall's trick or treating day. My costume was Willy Wonka, it suited the Candy store I work at realy well so it was alot of fun! All night long kids where running up to me and saying "I saw your movie!" or "Look Mommy its Willy Wonka!" I was asked to take so many puctures my eyes hurt at the end of the night. Giving out candy rocks ^^!!! Lets see, what else happened, ahh yes, later that night after the store was closed me and a large group of friends who had come early for the party went out to eat at P.F. Changs, a chinease restaurant. I was not able to get out of costume so I descided what the heck and went fully dressed up. It was awsome getting all the looks and smiles from everyone. Heck all night two girls where taling to me and smiling at me. As we where leaving I forgot my glasses and went back to the table to get them when the girls both came over and gave Mr. Wonka their numbers. It was the first time that had ever happened but it was cool.

Next day came the party, and ohhh boy what a party it was hehe, I dunno if the house could have handled anymore people, it was literaly full of friends! Everyone was soo great and sooo awsome! They are all getting invited next year and hopefully I can find all their contact info and keep track of them, it would be nice to have even more friends in the area! YOU ALL RULED! We had games and tournaments for prizes. DDR Cranium Best Costume and Soul Caliber II. I thought the pizes where cool so I hope the winners enjoyed what they got to choose from ^^! What was amazing though was every drop of food was eaten. All ten tons of appetisers, all the soda, all the chips and dip.... all 8 pizzas. We figured we had to much food, but infact we probably could have almost gotten more. A few out of towners and out of staters stayed the night and we where happy to have them !! the next day we all went out to eat and hung about for a bit longer before people had to start heading home. I would love to name names, but to be fare and not leave anyone out I am going to not, but you all know who you are! *smiles*

Lets see, After the party came Halloween itself Still down from Michigan where two avid party goeers ^^ one of which dressed up as a lion while I dressed up in a fox suit to hand out candy to everyone who came by! It was so much fun and more pictures where taken ^^
Unfortunatly soon after the last avid party goers had t leave thus ending the 3 day long festival of activities.

Hehehe and we have so much candy ^^ I been bouncing all day..... i get candy at work.. candy at home... I am on a perminent sugar high! but its oky cause I been bouncing so much that i working all the calories off. I am going to post a pic of me in most of my Willy Wonka outfit fromt he party here, and when i get the rest sent to me when i was in full suit and full costume I will put them p in following posts!


Please anyone who reads this and has any comments for next ears bash just reply and tell ^^

*Snugs and wishes you all happy late halloween*

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