Yet another dorktastic moment

Jan 16, 2006 02:46

It's always freezing in this apartment. Which is fine by me generally, because it's better then roasting to death.
My feet were blocks of ice a few minutes ago, so I decided to go searching for the fuzzy pink socks my Stepma gave me, because they are warm and rock so very much despite being blinding neon pink. I found one on the end of my bed and started sifting through the massive pile of junk trying to find the other. I came up with a regular sock, held it up in front of me, and I just couldn't stop myself. I said "This is not the sock you're looking for..." and did a little jedi-mind-trick hand wave at the inanimate object.
I think my dorkiness just did an exponential increase.

In other news, I just read a great SGA fic. Butterfly Effect by chaps1870. I love this fic so much it's scary. And I don't even know how that happened. I mean, I like AU fics and all, but I'm not generally all OMGLUFF! over them. This one... So much love. Cannot express.
And, even more frightening, it's not even full out slash. It's more Pre-slash, friendship fic. And I fell in lurve with it. How weird is that?
This fic obviously failed to read my carefully prepared memo about adhering to certain rules in order to meet my standards of wonderful. It broke my brain. In a good way.


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