Misdirectional Suicide

Jun 08, 2008 06:47

 Read an article in the Herald Leader about a kid commiting suicide and now the parents a sueing the school. What gets me is that they are blaming the school for the bullying the kid had before killing himself. From what I was catching it was the typical bullying that kids do in that is was mostly verbal. They did also mention that he would have his lunch taken from him on some days. Needless to say I don't think that the bullying was cool and from experience I know that is sucks on the receiving end. But I don't think that the parents should be blaming others for something that their son had decided. To some extent yes the school staff could have done something if they really did know. The thing is though is that it was his choice to end his life not anybody elses. School life isn't easy for those who are different and high school can be right up there. Dispite that it does make us stronger as a person and able to handle things when we depart into the real world. Life isn't easy and the things that get to us wont be as simple as someone calling us names or poking fun at a trait of ours. Either we change that part of us or learn to except that that is apart of who we are. If not except it learn to snap back and stand up for ourselves. From the article the parents were very protective and didn't even let the kid spend the night at anybodies house except family members who the trusted. He was also drivin to and from school and aside from the few curicular activities he was in didn't really leave the parents side. Where was he to learn that he can stand up for himself if the parents are always doing it for him. I'm not pointing any fingers and in truth neither should they. The school had missed the clues just as much as they did and chances are didn't see any harm being done with the kids picking on him (and as with any other school the other kids among them.) He put the gun to his on his own free will. Being that there wasn't anyone else in the room with him it defenantly wasn't put to his head. 
Despite how cold this may sound I am sorry for their loss and wish them the best. Just feel that they aren't looking at things as they are. This is coming from someone who spent the majority of the school years being tease starting with the very first day that I got on the bus. And the elementry school had at least as many as 300. The teasing and harassment didn't stop at one school system until I stood up to the kids and then after a move to a place completely different I was again tease and harassed until I graduated. As an adult I still get it from various places and I don't care. They are people who I have found don't really matter to me and normally they are doing so to build themselves up. But in the end I have decide to not give up and still live just as he had decided to quite.

life, news, suicide, highschool, song

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