fic: The Long Exile {Chapter 4/?}

Jul 30, 2007 11:13

Title: The Long Exile
Length: Chaptered, Chapter 4/?
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG, likely to go up eventually
Genre: Drama/Angst/Fantasy
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Summary: exile : noun 1 the state of being barred from one's homeland. 2 a person who lives in exile.verb expel and bar (someone) from their homeland.
-ORIGIN Latin exilium 'banishment'.

Notes: Inspired by the Tri-Angle PV. Though there will be a loose resemblance to various mythical/religious figures and places, it's not really intentional.

As always, the 'ie' is a cutsey shortening, not an intended honorific, though I suppose it fits as either here. The only real purpose for using any honorifics at all in this fic is to separate the AU side of the story from the more reality-based side. Also, to separate the paralleling differences between the characters.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3



“Umm....” Jaejoong just stared at the little man. “I think you have the wrong apartment. “

He was offered a benign smile and a piece of paper that had their address printed in tiny, neat Hangul. “This is the address I was given.”

It said something about how crazy their life had gotten over the years that Jaejoong couldn't find it in himself to take the man at face value. Five years ago, he'd have stepped aside and been all smiles and welcoming.


His first thought was that the anti-fans were getting more clever if they were sending monk impersonators after them.

“Ah! You're here!” Changmin pushed him out of the way and bowed to the priest. “Thank you for responding so quickly. I honestly wasn't expecting you for another day or two.”

“You did say that it was of the utmost importance.”

Junsu appeared as well, draping his arms around Jaejoong's shoulders as he sighed in relief. “Yes, absolutely the most important thing of all because I am this close to shoving - err... doing very improper things with those incense sticks.”

“Ah! Junsu!” Jaejoong elbowed the younger man. “You will do no such thing!”

“It stinks,” Junsu whined, stepping back and out of range. “Even our work rooms reek of it.”

Sighing, Jaejoong turned back to Changmin and the monk. “So you felt it necessary to bring in outside forces?”

“You did say to humor Yunho hyung,” Changmin replied, smug in his own reasoning. “That's what I did. He thought calling Brother Lee was an excellent idea. Besides,” he added with a shrug. “If there's real need for spiritual protection here, I'd feel better if I knew it came from someone who knew what they were doing rather than Yunho hyung buying 'snake oil' off scheming fortune tellers with autographed cds.” Then he smiled at the monk. “Do you need anything from us or shall we just get out of your way?”

“I should be able to work around you,” the small man answered with a smile. “Please, continue as if I weren't here.”

That was easier said than done, though. Especially since Yunho kept following the man around and asking him questions. Jaejoong had to admit that their band leader was even starting to get on his nerves.

Perhaps he could forgive the kiddies just this once for interfering.

Especially if it meant he didn't have to pretend he actually liked the smell of that awful incense anymore.


The dark figures glided restlessly along the opposite shore. They were frightening to young Jaejoong, but at the same time, he found himself drawn to them.

He fancied that he could hear the low whisper of their near silent voices brushing against his mind. They called his name, whispered sweet promises, offered him the acceptance and understanding he had seldom found in his short life.

He found himself at the waters edge before he was even aware of it. The temptation to cross, to join those dark creatures was overwhelming.

A hand grabbed his shoulder before he could put his foot in the water. “The daemon fey are hauntingly beautiful, aren't they?”

Jaejoong froze, staring up at the royal advisor, who also served as private tutor to both Yunho and himself, with nervous eyes. Was he in trouble? He'd been warned to stay away from the river that made the southern border of the land more than once. “Ma-master Choikang. I - I swear I wasn't-“

The man just smiled and slowly drew him away from the edge. The voices quieted and Jaejoong felt like himself once more. “It's all right, Jaejoong. They've powerful magic and experience on their side. No mere boy could be expected to withstand them.”

“Yunnie can!” He declared, proud of his friend and defiant that anyone would dare suggest otherwise.

But Choikang just smiled. “As expected, considering his royal lineage.”

Unused to such easy agreement, Jaejoong was left floundering, familiar arguments on the tip of his tongue. “....”

Choikang crouched down and tugged on a lock of hair that had fallen into Jaejoong's face. “I know how very important you are to the prince, Jaejoong, so you must listen well and heed my words, all right?” He paused, waiting until the boy reluctantly agreed. “This kingdom is well protected and as long as you remain within the borders, then you are well protected as well. Step outside of them and the jackals will have you eaten up in a moment. Prince Yunho would be devastated.”

Casting doubtful eyes across the river, Jaejoong watched as the dark figures faded away. “But there's just the river...”

“It may look like just a river,” the scholar replied, smiling slightly in quiet amusement at his naivety. “But I promise, there's powerful magic there. Magic so old that even the Dragon clan does not remember it's origins.”

That seemed impossible to Jaejoong - the Dragons remembered everything! - but he was unwilling to call his tutor a liar to his face. He'd wait until later and consult Yunho with his doubts. Yunho would know if Choikang was telling the truth or making up stories.


Jaejoong was leaning against the mirrored wall, thinking about nothing in particular when Yunho finally took a break from perfecting his latest dance steps and wandered over to sit next to him. There was comfortable silence between them for a moment, Jaejoong letting his eyes slip closed while Yunho occasionally called out minor corrections to the other three who were still practicing.

“You were in the shower for a long time this morning,” Yunho commented. Jaejoong felt, more than saw, the concerned look leveled on him. “Everything all right?”

He smiled and leaned his head against Yunho. “What does my hair smell like?”

“Uh...” The random question seemed to catch the younger man completely off-guard although he dutifully sniffed the dark mop that had been pushed against his nose. “Sweat?”

“No,” Jaejoong huffed, pinching Yunho's thigh. “Besides sweat.”

“Oookay....” Yunho inhaled deeply then released the breath again, making Jaejoong shiver as it sent the ends of his hair dancing along his jaw line. There was a long pause as Yunho seemed to consider his answer more carefully this time. “Flowers?”

“Ah, Yunnie, Yunnie, Yunnie.... A hairdresser you'll never be. But that's close enough, I guess.” As if he'd really expected Yunho to actually know the difference between lavender or tea leaf. “Now. What does it not smell like?”

“.....” He could practically smell the smoke coming out of Yunho's brain as he tried to figure out the correct answer to that. “This is a trick question, isn't it? And no matter what I say it's going to be wrong.”

Jaejoong couldn't help himself. The petulant sound to Yunho's voice sent him into peels of laughter which finally drew the attention of the younger set.

“What's so funny, slackers?” Junsu asked as he grabbed a towel and wiped his face. He whined slightly and half-heartedly pushed at Yoochun when the other made as if to lean against him. “It's too hot...”

“Jaejoong is just making fun of me.”

“Is your leg bothering you, Jaejoong hyung?” Changmin asked before guzzling down a bottle of water.

Laughter dying, Jaejoong shook his head and offered bottles of water to the other two. “No. I'm just a little more tired than usual.”

They all worried, he knew, that he'd push his body further than it could go. They needn't have, though. It was a mistake he took great pains to avoid making a second time. Now if only they could get Yunho to do the same...

“Hyung,” Changmin said as he settled down near Jaejoong's feet. “I thought you were sleeping better...”

“You haven't woken up, but you have been tossing and turning a lot,” Yunho chipped in, concern lining his face. “Are you still having nightmares?”

“Not really. Not that I remember, at any rate.” Jaejoong sighed and toed Yoochun who'd finally managed to get Junsu down and still enough to use his lap as a pillow next to Changmin.

His friend cracked open an eye and glared at him. “What? You're not the only one who's tired. We've been practicing all day long.”

The emphasis on the end and the pleading eyes sent Yunho's way left little surprise when all three of the younger men suddenly pounced on Yunho. Well, perhaps Yunho was surprised to find himself at the bottom of a puppy pile. “Can we go home?” “I'm so huuuuuungry!” “We've almost got it down.” “Even Umma is tired!” “Pleeeease?!”

It was hard to separate one voice from the others in all the clamor and Jaejoong hid a smile at Yunho's helpless look. It was cute and he wished he'd thought to bring his camera.

A shiver swept over him and he glanced around, sure someone was watching them. There was no one, though, and he shook it off. Yunho had made him paranoid as well, apparently.

He stood up and clapped his hands twice. “All right, kids. Practice is over. Let Appa up and Umma will make a nice dinner as soon as we get home!”

There was much scrambling and cheering as Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin rushed to get out of the studio before anyone could change their mind.

Yunho chuckled and raised up an arm, silently asking for help up. “You know, we still have another hour and a half left before we're supposed to be done.”

“Like we were getting anything done,” he said, rolling his eyes and tugging his friend up to his feet. “You were too busy sniffing at my hair.”

“Hey! You told me to do that.” Yunho's pout was too cute and Jaejoong didn't even try to resist the urge to tweak his nose.

“And if I told you to jump off a bridge, would you?”

“Maybe.” Yunho just grinned at his skeptical look. “You don't really have to cook, Jaejoong. We can grab some take out on the way home.”

“Nah... I promised. Besides, I like cooking. I wish I had more time for it.”

Draping an arm over his shoulders, Yunho steered him towards the door. “I'll see if I can't talk the manager into giving us a longer break next time, but we're pretty much booked tight for the next few months.”

Jaejoong blew errant strands of hair out of his face and sighed. “'Sacrifices have to be made for success',” he quoted softly. “And really, considering some of the sacrifices we could have had to make, time for home cooked meals isn't really that big of a deal.”

At the door he paused, dragging Yunho to a stop as well without thought, and glanced around the mirrored room that had served as their dance studio for so long. Had it always felt so... oppressive?

“Are you sure you're okay, BooJae?” Yunho asked, ruffling his hair but not trying to rush him.

He nodded hesitantly before offering Yunho a smile. “Yeah. Just.... Ready to go home, I guess.”

One last look and then he grabbed Yunho's hand and began pulling him away. “If we don't hurry, they'll probably leave without us.”

Yunho laughed as they sped up to a jog. “How? I have the keys to the van, you're the one cooking. I'm pretty sure they're stuck.”

“You underestimate the ways of the YooSuMin,” Jaejoong declared, letting the warmth of their shared humor wash over him and chase away the imaginary shadows.

On to : Chapter 5

author comment: the end of this chapter feels like it's missing something, but I wracked my brain and wracked my brain and kept coming up with nothing obvious. So, sorry if it seems abrupt and lacking. I will try to do better next time!

Also, thank you everyone who has read and commented to the earlier chapters. I'm sorry I'm not doing a very good job of responding to you guys but most of the time I find myself grappling with what I can say that won't give away the story and end up not saying anything at all. That is something else I will try to work on. I do want to assure everyone that your comments are appreciated!

drama, chaptered, fantasy, jaeho, fic, long exile universe

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