
Aug 16, 2009 17:15

I am currently computerless. Apparently the harddrive decided to be a jackass and crap out on me.

This isn't quite the tragedy that it could be. I backed up all of my files last week so I only lost two days worth of data. Maybe a little ficcage, but nothing that can't be fairly easily recalled once I get my computer back from the Geek Squad.

I've also managed to write a little in notebooks, though it's hard to work on WiPs without being able to look back at the file for reference. We'll see how it fits back togther eventually.

For those interested, I've been fiddling mostly with Long Exile and Life or Something Like It as well as a handful of drabble prompts that I hadn't gotten around to before now.

At the end of the month I will be moving out of my current apartment and going down to stay with my mother for a few weeks - possibly most of September depending on how things go. She's having another major surgery and after the complications of the last one, I don't want her to be alone.

On the one hand, I'll be distracted by the severity of the situation. On the other, I won't really have much of anything to occupy myself outside of worrying. So I may write a fair bit while I'm down there, though I don't know how good - if any - an internet connection can be found.

Here's hoping everything goes well. I'd appreciate any prayers anyone wanted to send her way.

Love and Peace~
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