fic: The Game {FINAL Chapter}

Nov 17, 2008 23:18

Title: The Game - Chapter 15
Length: Chaptered/ Complete
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Pairing/Characters: MinHo; past-JaeHo
Warnings: non-graphic sex
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: Yes, I panned out of the sex scene. -_- Sorry. I spent two weeks staring at the screen waiting for the smut fairy to come visit me and she refused to, so... yeah. It was brush over it or never finish the fic. And yes, this is it. The End. Finite. All she wrote. Though there is a good chance I will write an epilogue, I will not promise one. It could happen. It might not. Thanks~


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14


Summary: It started out as an experiment... almost a game, really. It became so much more.


Yunho sighed and rolled his shoulder slightly under the weight of the bags he was carrying. Ahead of him - completely bag-free - Jaejoong was telling Yoochun some long, involved tale or another, his expressive hands flying wildly as he made his punch line. Yoochun - who at least had the good grace to carry most of his own bags - laughed and interjected his own comments.

Neither looked back to see if he was even close by, never mind whether or not he'd heard the story or got the joke.

Jaejoong made a noise of surprised excitement and promptly dragged Yoochun into yet another store and Yunho sighed again before moving to follow.

Why was he out being their pack horse when he could have been at the hotel resting?

Inside, a small advertisement poster for their next day performance caught his eye and Yunho sighed a third time as he was confronted with the reason.

“You know, if you want to head back, we are capable of finding the way back on our own.”

The band leader jerked back in surprise when Jaejoong appeared in front of him.

“You're going to give someone a heart attack some day,” he groused.

Jaejoong pouted. “I just walked right up to you. It's not my fault you were spacing out, daydreaming about Changminnie~.”

“I was not.”

“Umm.. Hyung... you were caressing his picture on the poster.” Yoochun held up his hands in mock surrender when Yunho glared at him. “Just saying...”

Scowling, Yunho wished his hands were free so that he could shove them in his pockets. As it was, he just clutched the bags more tightly and made a face. “Besides. Changmin went out with Junsu.”

On the one hand, he understood that Junsu was still going through a tough time since the fans, via management, had successfully broken up his relationship with Taeyeon. He understood why Changmin had felt the need to drag Junsu out to cheer him up or at least get his mind off of it.

On the other...

Yunho pouted. He wanted to spend time with Changmin! They'd barely been back together for a month and it seemed like the only time they got to spend alone at all was when they fell into bed together for exhausted cuddling. He'd been looking forward to this free day, not expecting to spend it laboring for Jaejoong and Yoochun while Junsu got to play around with his boyfriend.

“Oh for fuck's sake... You look like a little kid who had his favorite toy taken away.” Jaejoong had both hands on his hips, shaking his head. “Why didn't you just send Junsu with us instead? I'm sure we'd have kept him just as entertained. And he couldn't possibly be as annoyingly mopey as you right this second.”

“I am not mopey.”

“Maybe he's just horny,” Yoochun suggested with a sly grin.

Before Yunho could protest, Jaejoong was stroking his chin looking thoughtful. “You know... That could be true... If they'd been having sex this month, we'd have known about it.”

“You would not!” Yunho cursed the blush stealing over his cheeks. He was a grown man. Besides which, he'd been living with a houseful of guys since he'd hit puberty. The mention of sex shouldn't embarrass him anymore.

“Ah contraire, mon capitan,” Yoochun protested, ignoring their wince at his horrible attempt at a french accent. “We knew almost every time the two of you had sex before.”


“SHH!” Deceptively delicate hands clamped over his mouth as Jaejoong's eyes darted around, looking to see if anyone's attention had been captured. Luckily the store was mostly deserted in the middle of the work day except for a few elderly looking women in the back. “Yunnie. You guys weren't exactly subtle. Or quiet.”

“Oh god.” Yunho dropped his face into his hands, ignoring the way the bags bounced off his chest. His voice was muffled and mumbling when he continued. “You all could hear?”

There was a clap on his shoulder. “Cheer up, Yunnie. Only Junsu was actually traumatized.”

When he peeked through his fingers, they were both grinning at him - evil bastards that they were. “I can't believe you guys listen to us having sex.”

Jaejoong gave him a look and Yunho had to admit defeat. Of course they'd listened to him having sex. They were guys.

“Not that there's been anything to hear lately.” Jaejoong tucked his hands into his back pockets and leaned back slightly, his look turning considering. “I know we've all been tired, but really... The way you guys were going at it before, I'd have thought there'd have at least been some cooperative jerking off.”

Yunho knew that every inch of exposed skin - face, neck, ears - were fiery red with his embarrassment. Almost defensively he crossed his arms and scowled. “Sleep is important.”

“Uh huh...” Neither man looked very much like they believed that sleep was more important than sex.

And truthfully, he couldn't really argue the point. All Changmin had to do was walk by with a tiny sliver of skin exposed and Yunho's brain descended straight into his pants. The last time he'd really had any kind of sexual contact was before they'd broken up - he refused to count the one drunken encounter in the club that Changmin had rescued him from - and he was a fully functioning, red-blooded male.

Sleep was becoming problematic, wrapped up in Changmin as he was every night and having to force himself not to do something completely humiliating like dry hump the younger man's leg or hip the second he lost consciousness.

Sighing, Yunho glanced around, thankful that the chances of someone who spoke Korean lurking nearby were relatively slim. Then he shrugged and rubbed his shoe against the tiled floor, unaware that a pout was slowly trembling its way onto his lips. “He isn't interested.”


This time it was Yoochun's turn to be slapping a hand over Jaejoong's mouth as the loud exclamation almost seemed to echo through the shop.

Impatient, Jaejoong waved the hand away and advanced closer. “Repeat what you just said because I'm positive that I couldn't possibly have heard you right.”

It had been hard enough to admit the first time.

Yunho flushed and ground it out again. “I said he's not interested. As in he doesn't want to have sex with me.”

Both of his friends gaped at him, then each other, before turning back to him.

Jaejoong recovered first, reaching out and smacking him hard. “That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.”

“Then you explain a month of not even trying to touch me and then picking the one day when there wouldn't be any chance at using 'I'm tired' as an excuse to drag someone else out instead of staying with me,” he hissed, defensive and hurt, both by Changmin's apparent disinterest despite his passionate insistence on a second chance and by Jaejoong's automatic assumption that he was too stupid to get the signs right.

“Have you tried to initiate sex?”

Shifting uncomfortably, Yunho scowled. He hadn't, of course. He was tired of being the one forcing his attentions on someone.

Reading his silence as easily as if he'd spoken out loud, slim hands slid into silky hair as Jaejoong turned his frustrations on his own head. “Jung Yunho, I love you to pieces but you are so fucking dumb sometimes.” He went on before Yunho could protest the continued slurs on his intelligence. “Of course Changmin is keeping his hands to himself. He's waiting for you to make the first move. To show him you understand that he understands that the relationship means more than just sex this time around.”

Yunho was torn between scoffing at such a ridiculous stretch of imagination and praying that Jaejoong actually knew what he was talking about.

He settled for biting his lip and staring at Jaejoong, hoping his former lover and best friend would be able to back up what he was saying.

Jaejoong sighed and whipped out his cell phone, zipping off a text message before Yunho had even fully comprehended what he was doing.

“Your skills in texting belong in some kind of record book,” Yoochun remarked from where he'd settled to enjoy the show, leaning back against a row of shelves.

The older singer just made a face before linking his free arm through Yunho's. “Be quiet and grab his other arm. I refuse to watch them wallow in their misery for another three months.”

Yoochun snorted in amusement, but moved to comply.


“You be quiet too. I swear. Some days I really do feel like I'm everyone's Umma. Or the group therapist, I'm never sure which.”

“Love doctor?” Was Yoochun's input which earned him a single finger salute.

Yunho let himself be pulled out of the store, but couldn't help but whine slightly. “Jooongie... What are you doing? Who was that? You didn't tell Changmin what I said, did you?”

Jaejoong huffed and grumbled under his breath, but otherwise refused to answer.

“Cheer up, hyung. You'll probably get sexed up soon, either way.”

And even though it mortified Yunho to have his band mates take control of his love life... It was easier than facing Changmin alone.


“What's going on?” Changmin asked as Junsu urged him back towards the hotel room he shared with Yunho. When he didn't get an answer, he glanced back to see the other man scowling as he patted down his clothes. “What?”

“I think one of those ... brats took my wallet.”

Changmin was torn between the urge to laugh at the look of pure disgruntlement on Junsu's face and going back downstairs and demanding security arrest and search every single fangirl who'd been in the lobby when they'd come through.

He had no chance to do either though, as Junsu's phone started buzzing again and the disgruntlement and annoyance on his friend's face found a new target. “Oh for- We're thirty seconds from the room, you impatient little-“


But Junsu just gave him a hard push. “Will you just go to your room so His Royal Pain in My Ass will stop using up all my text messages?”

The push made him stumble into the door. “That was completely uncalled for.”

Then he yelped as the door opened suddenly and he found himself falling backwards into strong arms.

“It's about damned time. Where were you two, Seoul?”

“Have you or have you not noticed the horde of girls lining the street in front of the hotel and the second horde crowding the lobby?”

Jaejoong helped Changmin right himself and then frowned, his hands settling against his hips. “There are always fangirls, Junsu. I stopped paying attention to them ages ago.”

“Yeah, well one of these screaming banshees has my wallet, so I'm going to go talk to hotel security. You guys have fun.”

“Wait up! I'll come with!” Yoochun slipped past Jaejoong and draped himself against Junsu's back as the pair let themselves back out the door. “The last thing we need is you damaging your 'cute' image with fangirl slaughter.”

They slipped easily from Changmin's mind, though when he noticed Yunho hanging back further in the room, hands in his pockets and looking at his feet. Typically, any incident such as this one would have brought Yunho's conflicting needs to protect his band mates and to keep their fans happy right to the forefront.

That he wasn't responding to it at all worried Changmin - a lot.

“Yunnie?” Changmin was barely conscious that he was moving until he had both hands on his lover's arms. “What's wrong?”

Yunho bit his lip and shrugged slightly, looking diffident and hesitant.

Behind them, Jaejoong sighed. “Oh for the love of...” The hands that pushed him - and consequently Yunho - towards the bed weren't unkind, just very firm. “Yunho, Changmin adores you and wants to fuck your brains out, he's waiting for you to say it's okay. Changmin, Yunho, likewise, thinks the sun rises and sets on you and wants to be fucked. Stop torturing us with your inability to communicate this mutual desire for fucking properly. Fuck already and get back to the grotesquely lovey-dovey bullshit please. Before I smother both of you.”

Then they were alone again.

The older man's eyes had fallen shut and a bright red stain of embarrassment covered his cheeks.

Sometimes Changmin forgot how adorably cute and shy Yunho could be about some things.


“You don't have to.”

Yunho's voice was almost too soft for Changmin to hear, but it was the words themselves that made him cock his head to the side, curious and not understanding. “Don't have to what?”

The blush grew darker. “You don't have to f-... what he said. It's not-..” Yunho glanced away, fidgeting and not looking particularly comfortable. “It's okay ... not to let Jae force you into-“

“Whoa, what?!” Changmin's hands tightened on strong arms briefly before they slid up to take the older man's jaw and making Yunho look at him. “Who said anything about forcing me into anything?”

Yunho scowled at him, defensiveness not quite hiding lingering hurt from Changmin. "You haven't exactly tried to hide the fact that you don't want me."

Changmin could only gape at him. It was just so ludicrous, he had no idea what to say to it. Yunho seemed to take the silence for confirmation, though, and moved to push past him.

"No!" He grabbed the older man by the arm and pulled him back into a tight hug before Yunho could get very far. "You're wrong. So fucking wrong."

"It seems like it." Yunho's voice was soft. For a moment there was silence as Yunho seemed to consider his words. Then the body in his arms shrugged, but otherwise stayed still. "You barely even seem like you want a hug anymore."

Nuzzling Yunho's neck, Changmin closed his eyes and wished there was a way he could somehow magically peer into Yunho's brain to keep him from stumbling into causing these gross misunderstandings that hurt the other so badly. "I didn't... I didn't realize you were taking it that way. I'm sorry."

Yunho sighed and brought his own arms up to wrap around Changmin. "How am I supposed to take it?"

Rather than answer, Changmin turned them around again and gently pushed Yunho to sit on the bed. "As extreme measures to force restraint on myself."

He settled a hand on the bed on either side of Yunho and leaned down until his lover was forced to settle fully on his back.


But he didn’t answer or let Yunho say anything else. If Yunho honestly believed that he wasn’t desired...

That was a misconception that needed to be fixed right away.

He tried to pour all his desire and love into the kiss, wanting - needing - Yunho to understand the depth and sincerity of both.

Yunho’s hands slipped up to grip his arms tightly as the older man opened easily - eagerly - under the kiss.

The response was his undoing. He’d promised himself that he could wait, that he could control his own desires until he was sure that they were both on the same page, emotionally as well as physically.

He’d never really stopped to wonder if Yunho wanted to wait.

Ending the kiss, he pressed his forehead against Yunho’s and shifted slightly so that the full length of his arousal was pressed against Yunho’s thigh. “Please don’t ever doubt that the desire to push you up against the nearest flat surface and screw your brains out isn’t always right there in the front of my mind.” He rocked down slightly, as he kissed Yunho again, softly nipping at the inviting lips. “Filming this stupid video.... watching them tie you up with those scarves.... has been fucking torture. Want to fuck you right there....”

Yunho gave a whimpering moan and his fingers clenched almost spasmodically on Changmin’s arms, hard enough that he was going to have bruises there the next day.

He didn’t care.

He wanted Yunho’s marks on him, wanted his own marks on Yunho.

He wanted the world to know they belonged to each other.

It was the driving thought that made his mouth tighten against the skin of Yunho’s neck, ignoring the half-hearted protest - a protest that died a quick death as Yunho tilted his head back and arched up against him. If Changmin’s mouth hadn’t been occupied, he’d have smirked at how sensitive his lover’s neck was.

“Please-“ The breathless neediness in Yunho’s voice made him shudder with desire and he reluctantly let go of the tasty skin under his mouth. Changmin pressed himself fully against the older man, struggling to keep himself from doing something completely humiliating like orgasm in his pants at the sound.

No, desiring Yunho had never been a problem for him.

Strong arms slipped around his back to hold him as he grappled for some small measure of control. Dark eyes watched him with a swirling mix of love, lust, and soft amusement when he pulled back and Changmin nipped lightly at Yunho’s jaw.

He was serious, though, when he met Yunho’s eyes again. “I love you.”

Yunho was silent for a moment as he searched Changmin’s face, then he nodded slowly. “I know.”

Then he pulled Changmin tight against him and arched up, his own arousal obvious. “Now shut up and show me.”

As far as signs went, Changmin supposed there weren’t any more clear than that. Besides, control was overrated and he was tired of denying himself what they both wanted.

They shared a fiery kiss as Changmin slipped his hands under Yunho’s shirt and began pushing it up out of his way. It had been far too long since he’d had Yunho’s bare, delectable skin under his fingertips.

Yunho made a growling sound of protest when Changmin broke the kiss and pulled away. It died away when Changmin made use of the separation to shuck his own clothes and turned his attention to stripping Yunho as well.

When Yunho made to sit up, to reach for him, Changmin pressed him back against the bed. “No. Let me. I want to.. I need to do this for you.”

While he’d done the initial chasing, trying to seduce Yunho with everything he could think up, once they’d actually started having sex, their relationship had been woefully one-sided. Yunho had done all the giving - physically as well as emotionally. Nothing between them would ever be right unless he stepped up and changed that.

And he desperately wanted things between them to be right.

Comprehension filled his lover’s expression and Yunho settled back, tucking his hands neatly behind his head with a teasing grin.

It was an invitation that Changmin wasn’t about to pass up.

It was past time that he worshiped Yunho the same way Yunho deserved to be worshiped. The way Yunho had worshiped him.


Jaejoong let himself out on the balcony of his room and rolled his eyes as the familiar sounds of sex simplified. Of course it wouldn't occur to Changmin and Yunho to shut their window.

His smile was soft and bittersweet as he settled back against the closed glass door and pulled out the pack of cigarettes he'd secreted away.

Technically he'd quit, but he figured indulging once in a great while wouldn't hurt anyone. Especially if no one else knew about it.

Yunho's voice came to him in a shuddering cry of completion and Jaejoong closed his eyes, savoring the sound as much as the rush of nicotine.

The balcony door moved at his back and he leaned forward to let Yoochun out.

His friend dropped down next to him and took the cigarette away to take a draw of his own before passing it back. “They didn’t waste much time.”

“They wasted too much time,” Jaejoong corrected leaning his head back against the glass and closing his eyes again. The pair of lovers weren’t done yet, from the sound of it.

“I guess.” Yoochun sighed and leaned against his shoulder. “You gonna tell him?”

Jaejoong didn’t pretend that he didn’t know what he was being asked. “No.”


There was no point in telling Yunho anything and he said as much. Yoochun was obviously unhappy about that, but Jaejoong would not be budged.

“Yunho is as in love as I’ve ever seen him and now that Changmin has pulled his head out of his ass, they should both be disgustingly happy.” His tone was amused despite the harshness of the words.

“I love Minnie-mouse like a brother, but-“

“Nothing good would come of it. He’s happy now and I’m happy for him.”

“You should have told him sooner... Before he had a chance to fall in love with anyone else.”

Yoochun had been urging him to say something for the better part of the year, but Jaejoong had wanted to be sure and once he had been... There’d been Changmin.

“He waited for me for years, Chunnie. I shouldn’t have made him do that. He deserves better.”

And Jaejoong deserved having to live with the knowledge that someone had come along and swooped Yunho up just as he was finally getting tired of the lifestyle he’d chosen over the boy he’d loved.

Another mingled sound of climax reached him and he sighed softly.

He deserved losing Yunho. He’d had his chances and ignored them all.

Jaejoong smiled suddenly and bumped knees with his friend.

If Changmin was foolish enough to throw away his second chance, Jaejoong wouldn’t be so altruistic again.

“Don’t worry, Chunnie. If Changmin ever screws up again, I’ll just have to steal Yunnie out from under his nose.”

The End.

romance, the game universe, angst, fic, minho

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