Title: Once And Always
Length: drabble
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG
Genre: drama, romance
Pairing/Characters: JaeHo
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: written for
chloe1910, Pairing: Yunjae Prompt: Once and always... Hope you like it. ^_^
It only happened once.
One night. One encounter. One confession whispered against heated skin, accepted and returned.
They never spoke of it again, not out loud. They couldn't risk the exposure.
The life they'd chosen wouldn't allow them to embrace that sort of happiness.
Sometimes, though, their eyes would meet and a thousand unspoken things would pass between them.
It only happened once, but once was enough for them to know that it would always be there and one day when their other commitments were finished and they only had themselves to look after....
Once would become the rest of their lives.
The End