Writing in general, Bangs in particular

Feb 01, 2014 15:48

So last year I dropped out of paperlegends because my Merlin inspiration at the time was half-hearted at best and nonexistent at worse. I'd only signed up because it was the last and I really wanted to participate despite the fact that I knew it'd be a struggle to actually get anything done.

I also dropped out of Avengers and Teen Wolf big bangs because of reasons.

(I dropped all those bangs well in advance of any artist depending on me, so "no harm, no foul", right?)

I signed up and finished a Star Trek big bang and an Avengers reverse bang. I'm also days away from posting a Teen Wolf reverse bang. I'm still tweaking bits and I have no title to speak of, but it is finished and it will be posted.

I just signed up for aftercamlann, which is the new Merlin big bang comm. I wasn't going to do that a few weeks ago when I first stumbled onto it, but... I actually have a firm idea that I like and some real inspiration for it. That's a lot more than I had last year.

I'm also planning on signing up for the Star Trek Big Bang when it comes back around because I want to write a sequel to the one I wrote last year. I plotted it all out after I was done with the first and then set it aside to let it simmer until time. I don't know if I'll sign up for any of the Avengers/Marvel bangs this coming year, although I might if Captain America2 refuels those particular muses.

What I'm saying is that I have been writing and I will continue to write, it's just... none of that writing has been KPop. I know that's what most of my f-list is actually waiting for and I am sorry about that. I'm just really, really enjoying these tv/movie/comic fandoms that I've stumbled into. I did plot out the rest of 101Complications so that one of these days I can actually sit down and finish it, but I'm not sure if any of my other KPop fics will ever be completed or if I'll ever start any others. I'm just not as inspired by them any longer. I may not even go to KMF this year and that's a first in six years. I didn't even buy the last Beast album, even though I do like the songs. It's finally stopped being an obsession and started being a casual enjoyment.

I will finish 101 no matter what, even if it takes me a while longer. But that's likely to be my 'so long and thanks for all the fish' to the KPop fandom.

(also, you may have noticed a distinct lack of posting here. it's because tumblr swallowed me whole. And it's just easier to post in one place for most things. MKYujji if you're wondering)

status, thoughts, big bang musings, confessions of a serial fanfic writer

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