fic: Devour the Soul, Reaper of Men

Nov 01, 2013 03:57

Title: Devour the Soul, Reaper of Men
Author: MK Yujji
Artist: Tresa Cho
Mixer: urbancate
Series: Alternate Original Series, Doom
Characters/Pairings: ensemble focusing on Kirk and Bones with a side dose of Chris Pike
Warnings: violence, gore, monsters, xover, results of non-canonical character suicides
Rating: R
Word Count: 26,565 according to Ao3
Beta(s): kenaressa

Summary: A distress call sends the crew of the USS Enterprise to a dark research station where Bones’ past will come to haunt them all. Olduvai may be gone, but its secrets got out first.

Author’s Notes: As any of my friends can tell you, I’m a little obsessed with Karl Urban and linking together as many of his characters as possible. This is my first fic in both the Star Trek and Doom fandoms, though I doubt it’ll be my last. When I originally signed up, I wasn’t sure that I’d actually finish. There were a lot of stops and starts, but the muse for this was actually pretty steady. ^_^ It helped, I think, that I got to see Karl twice during the process (conventions are amazing things).

There are a few people that I have to thank because without them, this fic would not have been possible.

Karl Urban. Seriously. As much as I love Star Trek, I’ve never felt the need to write in the fandom before. And I’ve had a lot of struggle with inspiration over the last few years, so the 20K+ words to this story would not have happened if not for Mr. Urban’s general awesome badassery. <3

kenaressa, even though school and work and life has moved you far beyond my clutching grasp, you still manage to pop back up and kick me in the ass when I need it. Your ability to translate nee-isms into coherent English never fails to amaze~<3 Clare-bear, you are my angel and you know how much I adore you, but in case you’ve forgotten, I fucking love you. <3

Sasha, my sister from another mister and secondary beta. I know how much you seriously do not like zombies, horror, and other assorted things, so I love you more than ever for putting up with it to help me out. You rock.

urbancate and tresa_cho, for wanting my fic in the first place and for being amazing to work with. I love the fanmix. It was so perfect that I railed at the fates that I hadn’t had it for inspiration the entire time I was writing. And the art was awesome. Thanks so much, guys!

Everyone over at gst_rtfn, I always work better when I’ve got someone holding me accountable. So thanks!

Jonah, thank you a million times over for putting up with my midnight txt questions and random interruptions as I picked your brain about all things Star Trek.

Fanmixer’s Notes: See Fanmixer Masterpost

Artist’s Notes: See Art Masterpost

doom, star trek, mccoy, completed post, action, angst, gen, fic

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