Oct 28, 2011 04:33
First - is there anyone on my F-List going to KPop Masters in Vegas? And if so, what day???
So, KPop Masters has said that there will be a Red Carpet Meet&Greet event on Friday. They've also said that as long as the artists were willing autographs/pictures were allowed.
Now, considering the number of people expected to be there for the concert itself and the open nature of the Red Carpet event (we can't get a clear answer, but it sounds like just any joe blow off the street can mozy on in and take a look) that just screams chaos to me, but hey, whatever, right?
So, Cube artists tend to be really, really good to their fans. I can't see them not signing/posing/etc if it's being encouraged.
So dilemma.
Assuming the chance for autographs from Beast, 4Minute, and G.na... possibly also Brown Eyed Girls and Sistar, though I'm less certain how they are with fans (sistar were a little standoffish at KMF earlier this year)... what to get signed? CDs are the easiest, I suppose, except the only white B2st cd I have is already signed by three of them and I always forget to go out and get a silver/gold sharpie no matter how often I say I will. Posters are kind of bulky and too easily damaged when you're carrying them around. Magazines have the benefit of having multiple artists and there are usually some light colored pages, but G.na has already signed the one I have with all the female artists in it... twice even, since she signed once in pen and once in sharpie. Plus, you have to damage the magazine if you want to display the autograph. T-shirt? Uchiwa? Bug my friend Nonny into drawing me chibi group portraits to have them sign? (she has done this for me with various Japanese artists such as Camino and Len Clover) Finally break down and get an actual autograph book to stick clips and ticket stubs, etc into? (this might not be a bad idea, all things considered....)
Do I bother coming up with anything for Yunho and Changmin to sign given the long-standing lack of autographs coming from them anywhere outside of official fan-signings? (that I've noticed, anyways)
I almost completely forgot about MBLAQ entirely. Does anyone know how their policy towards autographs/pictures?
Also, considering the large numbers expected, should I bother with a fan-letter/card/gift/etc? lol. Beg Nonny to draw a chibi group portrait in ofference?
Then, fan signs. I feel like I should make one for every group. The only groups attending that I'm not crazy about are Sistar and Shinee and I still like them okay, want them to know all KPop artists are welcome and encouraged here. But would that be too much of a hassle to drag to the concert?
Saa... details, details....
kpop masters,