Title: Dreams
Length: ficlet, side-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, MPreg
Warnings: MPreg, AU, RPS, mild xover, more crack
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblence to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: A Christmas bonus for my f-list. ^_^ This sideshot is slightly longer than the previous drabbles.
How exactly does a man get pregnant, anyway?
Yunho felt as if he was free floating. His entire being was fuzzy and light.
He recognized the feel-good sensation of really good pain killers almost immediately, but he just couldn't muster up any alarm. Not even when a peculiar gray face appeared above him and said something in a language he didn't understand.
“Ah, hello, Jung Sshi.” Another face, this one human, appeared and smiled at him. “I'm sure this is all very confusing.”
“Aliens,” Yunho whispered. Junsu had explained about aliens in great and graphic detail before the Wrath of Jaejoong had finally shut him up.
The human smiled and nodded. “That's right. They're called the Asgard. My name is Daniel Jackson, I guess you could say that I'm sort of.... A liaison.”
Another voice spoke and Daniel Jackson, human-Asgard liaison, frowned and waved his hand at someone behind him.
Yunho couldn't be bothered to sit up and see who. “What-“ He swallowed thickly and licked his lips. It was so hard to force anything out of his parched throat.
Thankfully, the human seemed to understand what he was asking. “What are you doing here?” He paused for a moment, then sighed. “The Asgard are a race sustained by their cloning technology, but in recent centuries it's been failing. One of their scientists, Loki, recognized the similarity between humans and the Asgard's original baseline DNA so he began experimenting with random test subjects, trying to find a way to ... fix their problem, I guess. There was an incident with one of my teammates and he was ... Well, it's kind of a long story and not really the point. The point is that apparently he didn't stop quite as fully as he was supposed to.”
“Loki was caught - again - and you were in his files.” Blue eyes drifted down to Yunho's belly.
Most of the explanation went in one ear and out the other, but Yunho did fixate on the last. “Junsu was... right?”
“Hmm?” Daniel looked curious, but the voice spoke sharply and he continued. “This is mostly just a follow up to make sure there's no lasting damage. Also, Thor - that's Loki's superior - has assured me that Loki will undo.... this... if that's what you want.”
“This pregnancy was his own wish. His clone expressed his most sincere desire to be able to have a child with his lover, even if it meant carrying the child himself,” said a small voice in Korean. Yunho turned his head to see another alien moving slowly down a walkway. Did aliens speak Korean? “I do not see the issue.”
“Tampering with a human's physiology is forbidden, Loki.”
“As you tampered with O'Neill's?”
“Preventing cloning of his DNA is not the same.”
“The procedure I performed was done with consent. The one you performed was done without any knowledge at all.”
“Guys, can we get back to the issue here? The poor kid looks confused enough.” Another human stepped into range of Yunho's vision.
All of them turned and focused on Yunho, but he just stared back blankly. What did they want from him?
Daniel brushed his hair back and took his hand. “Do you want Loki to terminate the pregnancy? From what I can tell from his records, he's done his best to make this as safe for you as possible if you want to continue it.”
“Real baby?” Yunho rasped, almost afraid to hope.
“Your DNA and the DNA of your chosen partner were used to clone a viable fetus.” The one called Loki drifted over to the station beside Yunho's bed and after a moment, a small image appeared before him.
Weak from the drugs, Yunho still lifted a hand, disconcerted when it passed right through the image.
“This is a holographic image of the fetus,” Daniel explained. “Sort of like an ultra sound only much more advanced.”
Whereas the ultrasounds had been nothing more than a blur of white and dark, easy to dismiss and ignore, this looked more real than the others in the room.
“Mine and... Jaejoong's?”
Loki nodded. “As you wished.”
Tears escaped even after he clenched his eyes shut. A real baby. A tiny life created from Jaejoong and himself. The one thing he'd always feared he'd never have, given to him.
“Do you wish to terminate?”
Yunho jerked awake, eyes flying wildly around the bedroom he shared with Jaejoong.
“Yunho?” Jaejoong's sleepy voice was a sweet sound in his ears and he clung to his lover, trembling harshly, his breath coming in pants. “Yunho? What's wrong?”
“Nothing... nothing...” He tried to slow his breathing, waited for Jaejoong's presence to calm his racing heart.
Soft hands rubbed his back, soothing. “Are you sure?”
“Just a ... Just a strange dream,” Yunho replied, sighing and relaxing slowly.
Jaejoong pressed a gentle kiss against his temple and murmured something as he drifted back into sleep.
Yunho rested a hand on his belly. A pressure pushed out against his hand and for the first time since the baby had begun to move, his smile was one of joy.
Merry Christmas~~