MBB: The Promise Within Master Post

Aug 27, 2011 13:25

Title: The Promise Within
Author: MK Yujji
Artist: valika56
Pairings/characters: main - Arthur/Merlin, mentioned - Uther/Ygraine, Balinor/Hunith, Lancelot/Gwen, Morgana/Leon
Rating: PG - 13
Word Count: 49K
Warnings: pre-slash

This is not as destiny intended, young warlock. You are meant to be the magical side of this coin, not the young Pendragon. I can no longer clearly see what path destiny will follow.

An ancient ceremony alters the course of destiny and everyone must face choices that no one expected. As Uther’s hatred of magic clashes with his love for his son, Arthur sees everything in a different light.

Author's notes: The Promise Within is canon up until the end of S1 and picks up only a short month or two right after the Questing Beast. There may be a slight incongruity here, as the timing in my fic also flat out states that it starts shortly after Beltane and runs through the summer, but I have no idea what time of the year S1 actually ended. I’m going with the artistic license of saying that it happens towards the beginning-middle of March.

This story has pretty much consumed my soul for the last six months and change. I tossed it aside and decided to quit it no less than three times and the original plot got pared down to a fraction of what I’d originally intended while still managing to throw in a handful of things I hadn’t even imagined doing when I started it. It bares little resemblance to my original plan, honestly, but I think it’s better for that.

I’ve alternately hated and loved it and more than once I questioned my own sanity for even thinking I had a Big Bang in me, especially for a fandom that I’ve never written for before.

A few people that absolutely need to be thanked:

kenaressa, without whom this fic would not have made it out of the nebulous stages of possibility lurking in my mind. She alternately served as beta, cheerleader, muse, and general kicker of my ass as was needed. She forced me to agree not to delete anything without her say-so and that undoubtedly saves 3/4s of this from the trash bin. So thanks, Clare-Bear for putting up with me and helping me force this monster out of my head.

snb123, who let me flail and read over things for consistency and kept reassuring me that it was okay that I left the rest of my writing-life on hold as this ate all my time. She was also kind enough to help me rectify the fact that I didn’t have a single Merlin icon to post this fic with. Thank you so much~ Hopefully I haven’t scared you away with the up close and personal insight to the strange twists and turns my mind takes during the writing process.

Sasha, my dongsaeng, my greatest supporter in all things even when she’s buried under school or various other activities, and my greatest distraction, always asking for porn and pouting when there isn’t enough proper kissing going on. Yeah, for you I might write a sequel. :P I love you, you silly goose.

valika56, who stepped up when she didn’t have to at the last minute and made the most awesome trailer ever. When you said ‘vid/trailer’ I have to admit that I was hesitant because I didn’t see how that could really work, but I’m glad that I sat that aside. I wouldn’t trade your trailer for anything.

All the writers and artists that I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with here towards the end. I really wished I’d been able to start sooner, but I still got the laughs and encouragement I needed to make it across the finish line.

And to the_muppet for being absolutely awesome and understanding even when I made it more difficult than it had to be.

Artist's notes: see Art Masterpost

Art link: Art Masterpost

Story links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

Also avaliable: On AO3 (thanks pathera!)

And in alternate ebook formats:

pdf / mobi / epub
(omg, thank you gwyntastic!)

Disclaimer: If I owned Merlin, there’d be a lot more shirtless Bradley James making out with Colin Morgan. Sadly, the real owners deprive us of such delicious treats. Merlin is owned by Shine Limited, the BBC, and assorted others. I think the general Authurian Legends fall under public domain laws at this point, but I could be wrong. Certainly I’ve never heard of anyone being sued for using one in a novel/television program/movie etc etc etc, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. Either way, I’m not making any money from writing this. I do it out of love and a desire to make all the hot guys (and sometimes the pretty girls) stop repressing themselves and fall in love with each other. A noble cause if ever there was one.

Disclaimer #2 - I was taught to use blonde, so I do. If that offends your sense of literacy, you’re welcome to take it up with the various English and spelling teachers I’ve had over the years.

merlin, merlin big bang, completed post, arthur/merlin

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