Title: Unbalanced
Length: Chaptered, 7/10
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, MPreg
Warnings: MPreg, AU, RPS, mild xover
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: See? told you it wouldn't take long. You can tell where I stopped and started again, I switched povs and didn't realize it until I was completely done. By that point there really wasn't any way to go back and change it without rewriting the entire end of this chapter. Hopefully it's not too bothersome.
'ie' is not intended as an honorific.
Prologue --
Prologue --
SideShot: Causes --
Chapter 1 --
Chapter 2 --
SideShot: Sympathy --
Chapter 3 --
Chapter 4 --
Sideshot: Normal --
Chapter 5 --
Chapter 6 --
Sideshot: Rumors Summary:
Life is the most difficult balancing act of all.
Days passed in a blur of monotony.
Every day Yunho became a little more resigned to his fate even as he grew a little bit more bored.
The others came and went, each busy with their own projects. He seldom saw more than one at any given time and though Jaejoong was home every night no matter how late they kept him working, it wasn't uncommon for the other three to be gone days on end.
The days spent alone inside the apartment were going to drive Yunho insane.
He'd reached the point where he just couldn't bring himself to step outside for fear of being spotted in his current condition. The baggiest pair of sweats and creative slouching couldn't disguise his deformed body as anything other than what it was - fat and pregnant.
He took to sleeping until noon and playing around on the computer for a few hours. He ordered take out whenever he was hungry and hid behind the door when the delivery man brought it to him. He was usually in bed asleep by the time Jaejoong stumbled in, exhausted.
It was lonely.
In desperation, he finally called HeeChul.
Which was how he found himself in his current predicament.
“If anyone figures out who I am, I'm going to kill you,” he muttered, following along behind his friend with his head down.
HeeChul laughed merrily and tugged on his hand to speed him up a little. “Yun, our own band mates would do double takes if they saw us.”
It was a strange role reversal. HeeChul's hair had been cut short and spiked up, his outfit the epitome of the arrogant coolness. He looked more masculine than Yunho had seen him look in ... well ... ever, really. In sharp contrast, Yunho tugged on a long lock of the wig that had been forced on his head. It was the same color as his natural hair, or near enough, just longer and styled in a way that softened his features further. Subtle make up and a very chic looking maternity dress and even Yunho had to admit he looked very much like his sister might look when she finished growing up and started having kids.
His eyes slid to the side and he watched their reflection in the passing windows. They made a very striking couple, even if the entire thing was surreal. They each looked enough like their usual selves for the disguises to look completely natural and yet, different enough that he thought they really did have a chance to going undetected.
But his luck didn't generally work that way and he dreaded the very idea that anyone would catch him out in public dressed in drag and looking fat.
Slinging an arm around Yunho's shoulder, Heechul kissed his cheek. “Now, dear, just remember to have fun.”
Yunho shot him a sour look. His friend was taking far too much enjoyment from all of this. Maybe he'd kill him just on the principle of the matter.
“When were you planning on telling me about your new... Fetish?”
The question stopped Yunho in his tracks and he looked up in surprise. He hadn't expected Jaejoong to be home already or else he wouldn't have accepted DongHae's invitation for dinner. He flushed darkly and kicked off the soft soled pumps he'd been wearing. “It's not a fetish.... When did you get home?”
“Hours ago,” Jaejoong replied, flipping on the light and giving him a long speculative look. “I called HeeChul and he took great delight in telling me you were out pretending to be DongHae's girlfriend.”
“It wasn't like that-“ But Yunho stopped and shook his head. “Okay, so I was out pretending to be DongHae's girlfriend, but I swear there isn't anything going on, it's just that no one is ever here anymore and I couldn't stand just staying cooped up in this apartment anymore, and okay, so maybe it looks really stupid but for once Heechul actually had a good idea and no one even looks twice at me like this, well, okay, maybe a few do, but they're either nice old grandmas or really sick guys and who really cares anyway-“
Jaejoong's fingers pressed against his lips to stop the rambling flow of words and Yunho realized he was being laughed at.
He pouted, but couldn't hold it for long. It seemed like it had been weeks since he'd seen his lover. He grinned and wrapped his arms around Jaejoong, only mumbling a little at the awkward angle his weight caused.
“I thought you hated Heechul's idea with all the passion of a thousand fiery suns and there was no force on earth strong enough to convince you to put on a dress?” Jaejoong asked, amusement still clear in his voice even if his laughter had settled down.
Yunho shrugged, nuzzling against Jaejoong's neck. “It's not so bad.”
The first day had been absolute torture. They'd spent hours out and about, ostensibly shopping for him, though the reality was that Heechul had been the only one really interested in buying anything. Yunho had felt like he had a neon sign attached to his forehead: PREGNANT MALE FREAK RIGHT HERE!!!! Every time he'd bumped into anyone... every time he'd noticed anyone looking at him... He'd spent the entire morning expecting someone to turn around and start yelling for the media.
By lunch time, he'd been stressed out and famished. Heechul had been understandably reluctant to actually stop in a restaurant for food - Yunho doubted he'd ever forget the abject humiliation of puking as he had - but his own hunger had finally convinced him that it couldn't be avoided.
And during that one meal, Yunho had learned a valuable lesson. All people saw when they looked at him - when he took away the part that would have made them consider him freakish - was his belly. They zeroed in on the apparent pregnancy with all the accuracy of a heat-seeking missile and completely bypassed any feature that might detract from the picture they expected to see after that one little detail. The other women in the small eatery Heechul had chosen had oo'd and aw'd and - upon learning it was his first pregnancy - given him endless amounts of tips and pointers. They'd been nothing but sweet, even if some of their advice had made him a little green in the gills, and not a single one had recognized him even when a DBSK song had begun playing over the radio.
He'd also learned that pregnant women were forgiven a multitude of sins that most other people weren't. When he'd proceeded to horse down not only his own meal but Heechul's as well and still looked around for more, the proprietor had simply grinned and brought them new plates citing memories of his own wife's several pregnancies as reason enough for the extras to be on the house.
The freedom might have gone to his head a little. Heechul, Siwon, and Donghae had all spent turns playing 'boyfriend/husband' and keeping Yunho entertained since Super Junior was having a lull in their own scheduling.
It was the most fun Yunho had had in ages, even before the doctor had given him such an impossible prognosis.
Jaejoong smiled and kissed him softly. “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.”
“I miss you,” Yunho said quietly when he pulled away.
“Well,” Jaejoong chirped brightly, taking his hands and pulling him through the empty apartment towards the living room. “I have good news about that.”
He sat down on the sofa and helped Yunho ease down to sit with him.
Yunho leaned against him. “You'll be working less?” There was so much hopefulness in the question that it made the other man sound like a little boy. Jaejoong couldn't help but laugh at him.
“Actually, we're done filming already. I get to take a break for a while.”
“Really?” Yunho grinned and shifted around to kiss him and Jaejoong loosened his own grip to make it easier. Though he'd never say it aloud, secretly he marveled at how big his lover had gotten once he'd finally started eating properly again. At least he was starting to look healthy again instead of pale and wane as he had before.
Jaejoong had begun to fear for Yunho's health even more than the baby's. “Really. At least a week.” There'd been mention of a more extended break, but Jaejoong didn't want to get Yunho's hopes up if it turned out he couldn't get it.
Holding himself up on his hands and knees, Yunho edged Jaejoong into leaning back against hte arm of the sofa. He grinned and followed, capturing Jae's lips in a hungry kiss. “That sounds like news to celebrate...”
“It does, doesn't it?” Jaejoong asked, elation blooming when he felt one of Yunho's knees nudge in between his own. It had been so long since Yunho had initiated any kind of sex between them that he'd begun to fear that his lover's libido had disappeared for good.
“Indeed...” Yunho trailed kisses down Jae's neck and slid a hand under his shirt.
Moaning, Jaejoong tried to wiggle out of clothes, ignoring his lover's soft huffs of laughter at his difficulties. “Off, off, off.”
“Ewww, could you guys at least go to your room to do that?”
Yunho froze at the sudden sound of Junsu's voice far too close for comfort. Jaejoong growled in frustration and grabbed a cushion to hurl at their bandmate. “You go to your room. We were here first.”
But it was too late, Yunho was already pulling away.
“Sorry,” he muttered, straightening up his clothes and trying to help Jaejoong straighten out his as well.
“How do you even have sex like that?” Junsu asked, a look of morbid curiosity on his face as he munched on his pretzels. “I mean, isn't it...” He made a strange gesture with a pretzel before tossing it into his mouth and munching on it. He finished the sentence as he swallowed. “Weird?”
Flushing deeply, Yunho struggled to his feet and not-quite-waddled off to the bedroom without another word, leaving Junsu and Jaejoong staring after him.
“What's wrong with him?” Junsu asked, still munching on his pretzels completely oblivious to the murderous glare that leveled at his own head.
Jaejoong picked up another cushion and stood above Junsu. “I'm going to kill you.”
Chapter 8