fic: Happy Birthday, Oppa (DooSeob, NC-17)

Jun 26, 2011 19:40

Title: Happy Birthday, Oppa
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: NC-17
Genre: humor, romance, sexual situations
Pairing/Characters: Dooseob (if you squint sideways, there's a possible shade of DongSeob at the beginning)
Warnings: RPS, sexual situations, toys, cross-dressing, public sex
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life Events and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: This is a birthday present for my dongsaeng and in honor of Doojoon's own birthday coming up. This is by far the most graphic sex you will ever see me write and I'd only do it for her. If the boys having sex disturbs you, pass this one by, folks. No punches pulled here.

It can be read completely on it's own, but it does take place a little ways down the timeline from my previous cross-dressing!Yoseob fic The Girl of My Dreams and that fic is referenced briefly.

Thanks to kenaressa for beta as always! <3 Beta readers are your friends guys! Show them a little love~

Summary: As far as birthday surprises went... Doojoon was pretty damned surprised.



“Don’t even-” Yoseob’s voice hitched slightly and his hands tightened into fists as he forced himself to relax in other places. “Don’t even start with me. Junhyung was already giving me that Look when he saw me.”

“Do you really think it’s a good idea, hyung?” Despite his obvious doubt, Dongwoon didn’t stop, didn’t shy away from helping his hyung with something he wasn’t entirely sure it was his place to be helping with.

“I’m sure it’s a horrible idea,” Yoseob replied tartly, not entirely meaning it as he gave a sigh of relief and straightened up once the other man patted his hip and declared he was done. “But it’s his birthday.”

They both knew that this was hardly the farthest Yoseob would go for his boyfriend’s birthday.

Dongwoon quirked a grin, washing his hands and grabbing a wet washcloth to clean up the mess he’d made. “The girls did a good job with the make up.”

Glancing towards the bathroom mirror, Yoseob nodded. They had. The long wig was the crowning touch, of course, and more than enough to give him the feminine air he needed to pass for a girl - provided he kept his mouth shut - but Gayoon and Jihyun had completely transformed him. He didn’t just pass for a girl. He’d be hard pressed to convince his own mother that he wasn’t a girl. A not-particularly-well-endowed girl, but still.

The cute little outfit added to the illusion, complete with thigh high stockings and strappy pumps. He was every guys dream of the cute high school girl.

Except for… He frowned and adjusted his dick slightly where it had shifted while Dongwoon had helped him with the other part of Doojoon’s surprise. It wouldn’t do to have that be so obvious.

“Right, okay.” He gave a little twirl and presented himself to Dongwoon, resolutely not whimpering when it made the plug shift and press against places that sent shivers up his spine. “What do you think?”

The maknae gave him an appreciative once over. “I think that Doojoon hyung is a lucky guy. I also think his brain is going to explode somewhere, along with his dick.”

Yoseob beamed at him. “Excellent!”


Doojoon wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

Hyuna and Sohyun had pounced on him as he was leaving the studio, insisting that they needed him right that second and refusing to take no for an answer.

They’d met up with Jiyoon, who’d approached him with a maniacal look in her eyes before she’d swooped in and blindfolded him.

From that point on, he’d been alternately dragged and pushed until he’d been stuffed into a car headed for an unknown location.

He could only imagine what their fans were making out of this since he’d heard a few ‘Doojoon-oppa! We love you’s at one point.

Undoubtedly, they assumed 4Minute and Beast were filming a show of some sort, though Doojoon didn’t even want to imagine what sort of show would call for him to be blindfolded.

No one would answer his questions, not even Jiyong, whom he’d heard whispering in the background.

Eventually, he just sat back with a sigh and accepted that he wasn’t going to get any answers until they were done having their fun.

Once the car stopped, though, the blindfold stayed in place. They led him into a building and he heard the familiar rattling ding of the 4Minute dorm. At least, he hoped there was only one elevator in Seoul that sounded that dreadful and generally unsafe.

He balked when hands tried to get his clothes off and finally, finally, a pouting Hyuna removed his blindfold. “You’re no fun.”

“Hey, I think I’m plenty fun. But there’s no way in hell you guys are undressing me. Now what’s going on?”

She made a face before pushing some clothes into his arms and shoving him into a restroom. “Get dressed on your own, then. But be quick about it! We’ve only got a half hour left!”

She shut the door in his face before he could ask the obvious question half an hour left til what. With no more answers forthcoming, Doojoon just sighed and looked at the clothes she’d given him. Just a nice button up and pair of loose trousers. Nothing embarrassing, at least. He knew sometimes his sister band got it in their heads that Beast existed to give them living dress up dolls, but if that was what was going on, there wasn’t anything obvious in the outfit.

It was better to play along, sometimes, so he changed and knocked on the door when he found it locked. “Okay, fine. I’m dressed.”

Hyuna came back in, pushing him towards the toilet with a critical eye. “What do you think?”

Behind her, Jiyoon tapped her chin before nodding. “I don’t think he really needs any make up. Just…” She reached out and buried both hands in his hair, tousling it and working the spike out of it. “There. That should be good.”

“Think we can get him out without anyone seeing?”

“You two go out the front and distract anyone who might be looking. I’ll sneak him out the back. Jiyong is waiting for the signal.”

Doojoon arched his brow. “What’s with all the spy stuff?”

They ignored him entirely as Hyuna left to fetch her other co-conspirator and Jiyoon just replaced the blindfold.

He sighed. “Is this really necessary?”

“Yes.” She wouldn’t say anything else, though as she got him back on his feet and began dragging him off again.

Luckily he trusted them not to let him get hurt. Too bad he wasn’t as sure they weren’t going to humiliate him.


By the time Doojoon was ushered, blind, out of the car again, he’d found his zen place. No matter what they threw at him, he was ready to accept it with a smile. And if there were cameras, maybe an infamous Doo-pose or two.

The only thing he wasn’t ready for was the sight that actually met him once the blind fold was removed and he was pushed into a dimly lit bar.

“Oppa~” Yoseob rose gracefully, the silky ends of the wig he wore swooshing lightly as he flicked it over his shoulder. He’d pitched his voice soft and sweet and Doojoon had to fight the urge to squirm as it hit him somewhere around the groin. “I was starting to think you forgot about me.”

He wasn’t wearing the slutty little bit of silk and fishnet that 4MInute had stuffed him into once upon a time or the silly looking thing that he’d donned for their video. This was a cute little floral number, just this side of a school girl’s uniform, that brushed his thighs and gave a peek of bare skin where the white lacey stockings didn’t quite go high enough. The shirt was cleverly pleated to hide the lack of cleavage and the make up…

Doojoon would know his lover anywhere, regardless of disguise, and he loved Yoseob’s masculinity however childish it could occasionally be displayed, but he had to admit that if Yoseob had been born a girl… this is what he’d have looked like and he was beautiful.

Shaking himself, Doojoon forced himself to remember that they weren’t alone, the bartender was cleaning a glass nearby, not nearly as subtle about checking out Yoseob’s ass as he probably thought he was being and the two other patrons had looked up when Doojoon had gotten shoved in the room. They’d gone back to their own meal, but still.

He smiled and met Yoseob with all the gallantry he could summon up, taking Yoseob’s hand and kissing it. “I could never forget you, love. Traffic was heinous.”

Despite the eye roll that garnered, he could tell Yoseob was pleased. “Well, I waited for you.”

Doojoon pulled Yoseob closer and pressed a soft kiss against his lover’s mouth, smiling at the faint taste of cherry lip gloss. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Yoseob fairly preened at the compliment. “I thought you might like it.”

“Hmm.. Definitely. What’s the occasion?”

That earned him another eye roll. “Did you forget your own birthday again?”

“But-” Doojoon cut himself off. His birthday was still two days away, but they had a performance that day. There was no way Yoseob would have been able to pull this off then. “Huh. I guess I did.”

Yoseob shook his head and tsk’d faintly before leading him over to a table. “I thought… we could eat dinner and have a drink here, then we could go dancing at this club I found afterwards. Sound good?”

“…” Doojoon glanced around before leaning in close. “Sure that’s a good idea, Seobie? I mean… you won’t get recognized, probably, but me?”

“It’ll be fine, worry wart. Trust me.”

And the thing about it was, as crazy as Yoseob could be sometimes, Doojoon did trust him. Even in something like this. So he just dipped his head and smiled as a waitress appeared out of the woodwork to take their order.

Yoseob remained mostly quiet, letting Doojoon order for him, until the cocktails were settled on the table. Then he gave Doojoon a smug little smile and stood up again. “I have to go powder my nose. Be back in a minute, Oppa~”

Then he was gone, leaving Doojoon to stare after him blankly.

He bit his lip and stared at the table for a second before glancing around and setting his drink down. The waitress returned with the salads they’d ordered as a starter and raised a brow at him as he stood up. “I uh.. I’ve got to … I’ll be right back.”

Yoseob was lingering outside the bathroom doors, smirking at him. “I was starting to think you’d gotten dumb in your old age, Oppa~”

“I’ll show you old,” Doojoon replied, pulling Yoseob into the bathroom and locking the door behind them.

“Oppa, this is the boys restroom.” It wasn’t much of a protest since Yoseob’s arms were already around his neck. “I’m pretty sure good girls don’t do this sort of thing.”

“Oh, I think you’d be surprised.” He’d had more than one supposed ‘good girl’ try to get him into a restroom stall before.

He let his hands slide down under the soft skirt, intent on the proof that his lover was still all male under the make up and dress. Before he could actually get anywhere, though, Yoseob grabbed his hand and redirected it, back and behind. The younger man smirked when Doojoon’s eyes went wide and a strangled little sound escaped. “Surprise~”

“How the fuck-” Doojoon swallowed hard. “How are you even walking around like that?”


Doojoon was not ashamed to admit that he whimpered at the very thought of Yoseob ‘practicing’ with the butt plug.

Yoseob just laughed softly and pulled away, straightening his skirt and wig with a prim look. “Now. Our appetizers should be ready.”

“But Seobie-”

“Ah, ah, ah,” Yoseob waggled a finger under his nose. “The night is young. You are not allowed to ruin my make up this early.” He tapped Doojoon’s nose. “Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time for that later.”

“You’re trying to kill me.”

Still, he sighed and straightened his own clothes as Yoseob laughed and let himself out of the bathroom.

“I’m pretty sure no one ever died from waiting a couple of hours.”


Dinner was absolute torture. Bad enough that Yoseob was wearing the wig and the dress. Worse that the imp had made damned sure Doojoon knew what else completed his outfit.

On top of all of that, Yoseob played the coquettish, devoted girlfriend to the hilt.

By the time they left the bar, Doojoon wasn’t sure if he wanted to hit the bartender or pat his head with sympathy. Yoseob had the poor man eating out of ‘her’ hands.

The cab trip to the dance club Yoseob had chosen wasn’t much better.

Yoseob was deliberately teasing Doojoon to within an inch of his life.

Maybe no one had ever died from waiting, but Doojoon was sure his balls were going to fall off if he didn’t get some relief soon.

“Seobie…” Doojoon bit his lip as Yoseob flashed something at the bouncer that let them skip the line outside. Unease was starting to creep back in. He was pretty sure it was against the rules for him to be seen at a dance club with anyone, never mind his gender bending band mate. One fancam and they were both going to be in so much trouble. “What if someone recognizes us?”

Yoseob just laughed and pulled him along. He did lean in closer, though, to whisper in Doojoon’s ear. “I promise that if we do get recognized in here, no one will say a word. It caters to transgendered couples, Doojoonie. No one wants it getting out that they’re here.”

For a moment, Doojoon just gaped at his lover. The smaller man grinned and led him over to a table tucked into a rounded booth style alcove.

He’d already waved a waitress over before Doojoon managed to find his voice again. “How did you even find this place?”

“The internet is your friend, Oppa~” Yoseob replied as he smiled at the waitress. He ordered a pair of drinks that Doojoon had never heard of, then turned back. “It can be used for more than just tweeting and watching old soccer games. I’ve been discreetly searching for a place like this since we got together. You seemed so… taken with the wig. It seemed like a good way that we could actually go out together without starting a fan riot.”

Doojoon flushed a little at the memory of practically jumping a wig and fishnet clad Yoseob at the studio one day. Looking back, it still amazed him that Yoseob hadn’t just punched him. He hadn’t exactly been at his smoothest that day.

Smiling, Yoseob curled close, the way Doojoon sometimes saw girls curl against their boyfriends in cafe’s and libraries. Not that he was watching. “I told you I didn’t mind wearing the wig again.”

“You also said no more thongs.”

“This isn’t a thong, oppa. These are what are called bikini briefs.” Yoseob shook his head sadly at Doojoon’s lack of knowledge.

Any response Doojoon wanted to make was interrupted by the arrival of their drinks. Yoseob downed his quickly, then insisted Doojoon do the same before dragging the older man out on the dance floor.

It was almost agonizingly arousing to feel the hard line of Yoseob’s cock against his thigh as they danced, to know why his lover was as hard as he was.

But it was also fun to dance freely, with no fear of fans or cameras, and enjoy a night out with the man he was pretty sure he loved.

The first three songs were hard and heavy, the beat of the music pulsing through his body as Yoseob was grinding against him.

Then their own latest single started playing and Doojoon couldn’t help but pull Yoseob close and snicker into his false hair.

Yoseob wrapped his arms around Doojoon’s neck and nuzzled his ear. “Yah. Did you ever imagine we’d be here? Like this?”

“You mean, dancing together in a transgendered club to one of our songs, one of us dressed like a school girl?”

Laughing, Yoseob pulled his hair. “Yeah, exactly like that. Dork. No, I mean… just. Us. Together. Happy.”

Doojoon smiled and hugged Yoseob tightly enough to lift him off the ground, spinning for a moment before setting him back down. “I hoped.”

“Oppa is a caveman,” Yoseob said, amusement clear in his voice as he tolerated the antics. “Yah. Go sit down. I’ll be right there.”

“Seobie…” Doojoon pouted a little, reluctant to let the other go.

Yoseob went up on his tiptoes and kissed Doojoon lightly. “Go. Trust me, I won’t be long. And don’t actually follow me this time.”

After a moment, Doojoon finally sighed and gave in, pulling Yoseob back in for a real kiss. Then he let go and pushed the younger man away. “Fine. Go. Leave me all alone. I’ll just sit over in our booth, sad and lonely.”

That made Yoseob laugh again and he smacked Doojoon on the ass before slipping through the crowd.

As Doojoon made his way back over to the booth, he was more aware of the people around him. He was more aware of how dark the corners of the bar were, of how the bright flashing lights over the dance floor seemed like spotlights, pointing people out. He hoped none of those spotlights had settled on them, but he was uncomfortably aware that whenever Yoseob was in his arms, he didn’t always notice such things.

His distraction had gotten them caught by both their bandmates and their sister band more than once. His lover always just laughed it off, but Doojoon knew that it was dangerous. One day they were going to get caught by someone who wouldn’t ignore it, who wouldn’t accept it with amused teasing. They stood to lose everything - their band, their home, even their families. He didn’t think his parents would disown him for it, but he didn’t know for sure. He’d seen it happen to others, others with less to lose had still lost it all.

So he tried to be careful and he tried to play off his feelings when there were other people around. He’d stopped being so obvious where fans could see - much to the fans apparent disgruntlement, which was almost ironic, but he’d seen that before too. He’d seen the artists whose fans hyped pairings and shouted encouragement right up until the moment said artist confirmed the suspicions and admitted they were gay. Then no one wanted anything to do with them and they became obscure names, blotted out of the business as quickly as could be managed.

He wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that false sense of security. So he spread some light hearted fanservice around to all his bandmates and dutifully gave descriptions of his ideal girl when asked.

The waitress interrupted his brooding with a fresh drink and he didn’t need Yoseob there to encourage him to drink it. Somehow, he felt like he needed it.

Doojoon loved his job and he was over the moon that he’d succeeded in a business where so many others didn’t, but it was hard, having to pretend, having to keep a part of himself hidden in the dark corners of private clubs. Even if he wasn’t an idol, he knew he’d still have to be careful, but being careful was less oppressive when half of Korea didn’t know who you were.

A touch on his inner thigh jerked him out of those thoughts rather effectively and he looked down to see playful eyes looking back up at him from under the table.

“Seobie,” he hissed, eyes flying up to look around, but it was dark in their corner and even if it wasn’t, no one was there to pay attention to them. Which was a blessing, because Yoseob was pulling his zipper down before he could say anything else. “What are you-”

Yoseob’s soft huff of laughter was a puff of warm air against his exposed cock, but it was all the answer he got before the younger man slid one of the flavored condoms he liked so much over Doojoon’s erection and began giving the base kittenish licks.

And, okay. It was kind of a stupid question anyways. It was pretty obvious what Yoseob was doing, even as Doojoon’s brain started to short-circuit.

“Try not to look so obvious,” Yoseob whispered, amusement coloring his voice before leaned in closer and took Doojoon’s cock fully into his mouth.

Doojoon whimpered and his hands clenched tightly around the edge of the table. Some dim corner of his mind realized that Yoseob must have planned this, must have come to the club at least once before to know which booth was in the dimmest corner, which booth was big enough to hide his body while he did this. Doojoon really hoped he’d planned far enough to put something down that he could rest his knees on because he really didn’t want to imagine what was on that floor.

Then all those thoughts flew away entirely and Doojoon slipped a little as Yoseob did that thing with his tongue and only the other man’s strong arm across his hips was keeping him in the seat.

“Fuck,” he hissed, barely able to keep his eyes open, awareness of where they were coupled with what they were doing sending an electric current through his spine that was almost too intense.

It wouldn’t take much, he knew, he’d been on edge most of the night, and he could feel the orgasm building. Anyone looking was going to know because Doojoon couldn’t help it. There was nothing subtle about Yoon Doojoon in the middle of an orgasm.

And he was fine with that, more than fine because Yang Yoseob and his mouth were absolutely worth his career.

Except the little shit stopped.

He didn’t bother to tuck Doojoon back in, either. Yoseob just slid up into the booth with the sort of flexibility that Doojoon knew he himself didn’t possess and grinned at the older man.


They’d changed positions, Doojoon pushed more to the inside of the booth, Yoseob more on the outside and Yoseob glanced around before leaning. “Yah, you’re not allowed to cum yet, oppa.”

One long fingered hand slipped down to curl around his dick and Doojoon pressed his temple against Yoseob’s. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? This isn’t a birthday present, this is a death threat.”

Yoseob laughed, shaking his head. “Hardly.”

Then he was pushing Doojoon deeper into the booth, towards the center and crawling into Doojoon’s lap.

Before Doojoon could properly grasp the situation, could make sense of the feel of bare skin on bare skin and slick places that were usually not, Yoseob had settled against him, their bodies fully connected and Doojoon’s arms tightened around Yoseob’s waist. “What- How- Oh fuck,” he whimpered against and couldn’t help but rock up into Yoseob.

The laughter was breathy this time, as Yoseob wound an arm back around his neck and tugged on his hair. “What did you think I was going to do? Use the bathroom?”

“We are going to get into so much trouble,” Doojoon muttered, nipping and sucking at Yoseob’s neck.

It was awkward as hell, there wasn’t much room to maneuver and Doojoon was even more sharply aware of the dancing club goers and the wandering waitresses and the bystanders that were watching the dancers. But the plug had done its job and they’d both been primed all night long.

“Only if you leave a huge ass hicky on my neck,” Yoseob scolded, not sounding very upset by the idea. He could get away with it, though. It wasn’t often he was asked to strip for the camera, and Doojoon was often thankful that neither of them were the eye-candy that was Gikwang, since it allowed them to keep a multitude of sins covered up when their bandmate was the one always asked to show off. “No one’s watching.”

But they could.

Everyone in the club could have turned around and all eyes could have been on them, and Doojoon didn’t think he could have stopped.

He slid a hand under the pleated skirt and up Yoseob’s dick, not gripping just yet, content just to feel. Somehow the cock ring wasn’t as big a surprise as it could have been. Doojoon was sure he was all surprised out for the night.

“You pull that loose and this is a done deal,” Yoseob warned, arching back into him as he rocked up. “I won’t last long.”

Doojoon’s arm tightened around Yoseob’s waist as he wondered when Yoseob had put the cock ring on, if he’d had it on since the evening had started or if he’d managed to slip it on at some point during dinner when Doojoon hadn’t been paying attention.

He kissed Yoseob’s jaw and tugged the snap loose. Part of him wanted to whisper dirty things in Yoseob’s ear, but neither of them had really gotten the hang of that. It still sounded awkward whenever they tried, like something out of a bad porno. Which, to be fair, is where they’d gotten most of it.

Instead, he wrapped his hand around Yoseob’s dick and pumped slowly, peppering kisses along Yoseob’s jaw and neck, wherever he could reach.

“I love you,” he whispered, unsure if Yoseob could hear him over the pulsing beat of the music, but needing to say it regardless. The hand in his hair tightened and Yoseob twisted around slightly so that they could kiss properly. His own words were whispered back against his lips.

Another awkward, rocking thrust up and Yoseob whimpered, straightening around again as his body convulsed with pleasure and Doojoon had to drop his head against Yoseob’s shoulder as the body around his tightened almost painfully.

It was more than enough to bring him over the edge and the club seemed to grey out for a moment, the music washing over him like white noise. All he could hear was his own stuttering breath and Yoseob’s little mewls, sounds of pleasure that Yoseob always denied making. Some day, Doojoon thought he’d record them just to have proof.

Some day.

He wasn’t sure how long they sat there, slumped, Yoseob against the table, Doojoon against Yoseob, before the man in his arms stirred again and elbowed him lightly. “Yah, oppa is heavy and this table has a sharp edge.”

Doojoon laughed and sat up straight, hugging Yoseob tight. “Please tell me you brought something to clean up wtih?”

A tiny jolt of loss hit him as Yoseob shifted making their bodies separate. But it was quickly buried by the realization that their waitress was returning and he was still hanging out of his pants.

“Of course,” Yoseob replied, digging a couple of wet wipes out of the little handbag he was carrying and handing them over before digging out a few more for himself. “Unlike you, I’m always prepared for anything.”

The waitress, and really, considering the club, Doojoon wondered for a moment if it was a waitress or a waiter, arched a brow. “Can I get you anything else?”

Doojoon flushed bright red and he hoped she (or he?) couldn’t see any incriminating evidence through the table and the darkness. “Um… No, thank you. We’re um… Can we get our check?”

Beside him, Yoesob giggled and leaned in close. “Always so impatient.”

The waitress left with a knowing look - though knowing what, Doojoon didn’t even want to think about - and Doojoon pinched Yoseob’s side. “Brat.”

Yoseob’s giggles died down a little and he wrapped his arms around Doojoon’s neck. “Happy birthday.”

Doojoon smiled and hugged the other back. “Thank you.” Then he laughed a little himself. “I’m pretty sure this will go down as the most memorable birthday present I’ve ever gotten.”

With a sly look, Yoseob shrugged. “You never know. There’s always next year.”

“I’m afraid to know what you think you can come up with that’ll be even more memorable,” Doojoon groaned, watching Yoseob wriggle around in the seat to pull the silky bikini briefs back on.

As he paid their tab and ushered Yoseob outside, heading towards a car nearby and a nervous looking Jiyong who was waiting with it, Doojoon wasn’t sure he’d survive too many birthday surprises like this one, but he certainly was looking forward to them.



doojoon, nc17, beast, crossdressing, dooseob, yoseob, fic

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