to someone who will never read this

Jan 04, 2011 02:11

this is unlocked so that I can pretend to myself that I'm saying it to your face even though there's no reason to believe that you'll ever stumble onto it. maybe someday I will say it to your face.

That sound? That one that sounds sort of like ice breaking up on a stream and water rushing over a dam mixed with a little bit of pained relief?

That's the sound of my threshold for your bullshit reaching its breaking point. That's the sound of every bit of strange affection I ever had for you spinning away into absolute loathing.

Congratulations. You're officially now the second person in the world that I wouldn't spit on if you were on fire.

In a time when I'm hyper aware of how short life is and I'm scrambling over myself to repair and reconnect with just about everyone I've ever known, that's pretty damned impressive.

I'm glad, odd as that may seem. Because I'm damned tired of making myself sick over you. You aren't worth it. You never were. I just wish it hadn't taken me so damned long to figure it out.


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