Random Fandom Factoids about Me

Dec 04, 2010 03:31

Factoid #1: In any fandom, I always have one pairing that I adore above all others. I will read/write this pairing almost exclusively except for requests or love triangles or unrequited love that does not break it up. This pairing will pop up in pretty much everything I write for the fandom regardless of my intention when I start writing each new thing.

Factiod #2: Outside of that pairing, it's not entirely uncommon for there to be a third individual/character that I rather enjoy tossing in with the otp to make a nice ot3.

Factoid #3: In any fandom, there will be one pairing that I loathe above all other possibilities. Usually this means that I just can't bend my mind around the very idea for one reason or another so I just bypass it, but in some cases it's a much more blatant kind of reaction. -_- I've been known to actually, physically growl at my computer just for seeing the pairing name 'jaemin' scroll across my screen. Luckily, few of these pairings manage to inspire that level of ick.

Factoid #4: In any fandom, there will always be at least one, usually more, individual/character that I can not wrap my head around them being anything other than 100% straight. That won't keep me from trying to bend them occasionally, but... only very occasionally and almost unfailing only for a request.

Factoid #5: In any fandom, there will always be at least one individual/character that I can easily mix and match with pretty much anyone else in the fandom. Conversely, there will be at least one that I can only wrap my brain around them possibly being with one other individual/character. (Amusingly enough, these two are almost always my OTP)

Factoid #6: While I can change my opinion on my OTP from a mainstream pairing to a 'crack' pairing, I almost never go the other direction. (I started my time in the DBSK fandom as a JaeHo fan and ended it as a MinHo fan)

What does this mean in terms of Beast?

#1: DooSeob
#2: otp+Dongwoon
#3: 2Jun
#4: Junhyung
#5: Yoseob=easy, Doojoon=faithful (not that I always write it that way)


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