fic: The Road Not Taken 2 (Yoseob, Dooseob)

Aug 13, 2010 17:49

Title: The Road Not Taken 2
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: g
Genre: AU
Pairing/Characters: Yoseob, Hyunseung, Gikwang, DooSeob (sort of)
Warnings: RPF
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: :x I decided to write more of this. lol. And I'll probably write one more.

The Road Not Taken 1

Summary: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...


“I can’t believe you showed her that old jersey,” Hyunseung mused, peering into his cup and pouting slightly when he realized that his frosty was completely gone.

Yoseob sighed and shrugged. “She asked.”

No one had ever asked before. Most people assumed they knew everything there was to know about him. He’d chosen the life of an entertainer and most days he was still as happy with it as he had been the very first day he’d realized that he’d finally made it.

Some days, though, he longed for the simplicity he’d left behind and the people who cared enough to look below the surface.

He’d been having those days more and more often as the big Three-Oh approached. He was far closer to thirty now than he was to twenty and it seemed to be making him more introspective.

“Still. You know she was expecting you to say your first platinum album or that silly medal they gave you. What was it? Ambassador of Goodwill?”

He snorted and shook his head. “As if anyone takes those things seriously.”

“Your fans do.”

“Eh. I guess.” It was hard to feel particularly attached to a title he’d gotten with no effort, based solely on his popularity. “I’m pretty sure they rigged the polls anyways.”

Hyunseung just laughed. “Of course they do, but you’re avoiding the issue.” He poked at Yoseob with his straw. “The jersey. You know someone is going to show him that clip. If he wasn’t watching when it aired.”

Hesitating, Yoseob shrugged. If he was honest - and he tried to always be honest with himself, if no one else - a large part of him was hoping for exactly that. He wanted Doojoon to know that no matter how far he’d come or how long it had been… Yoseob still cared.

He wanted Doojoon to know that he still treasured those memories.

In ten years, no one else had chased Doojoon out of his heart.

His friend made a tsk’ing sound and shook his head. Then he sighed and glanced around. “How long does it take to get refills?”

Grinning, Yoseob shook his head. “It’s Gikwang. He probably got recognized at the counter and is signing a billion and a half autographs.”

A public beach probably wasn’t the best place for three famous singers to hang out, but every now and then, they needed to feel normal.

Hyunseung made a disgruntled noise before sighing and looking back at Yoseob. “You really loved him, didn’t you?”

Yoseob shrugged. He hadn’t met Hyunseung until years after his path had led him away from Doojoon. Hyunseung only knew bits and pieces of the story - mostly as told by Gikwang. Yoseob hadn’t meant to be secretive about it, but he hadn’t wanted to be reminded of what he’d walked away from.

He swallowed and nodded. “Yeah.” Then quirked a self-deprecating grin at Hyunseung. “I think… I still do.”

Ten years was a long time to hold on to something like that, he knew. And he and Doojoon had both changed over those years. Perhaps Doojoon had changed enough that he wasn’t the sweet, charismatic man Yoseob had fallen for any longer.

Biting his lip, he leaned back and thought about that. Perhaps Doojoon had let his success in soccer go to his head, or a decade of intense training chasing a dream had made him harder.

Perhaps, in the end, what Yoseob really wanted was a chance to find out.

“Seobie~ Seobie!” Gikwang’s voice rang out over the beach.

Both men turned to see their friend stumbling over people as he hurried towards them.

“What the hell is he doing?” Hyunseung muttered, glancing around nervously as people started paying attention. There wasn’t any recognition, yet, but if Gikwang kept yelling like that….

“I dunno…” Yoseob turned his ball cap backwards and hoped that it and the sunglasses would serve as a bit of camouflage, but he didn’t hold out much hope. If they figured out who Gikwang was, it wouldn’t take much of a leap for anyone to figure out the only ‘Seobie’ he’d be yelling for.

They had a handful of bodyguards discreetly stationed on beach towels nearby, trying to blend in, but he didn’t want to deal with an incident where he’d need to call for them.

“Oh my god, Seobie, you have to see this, come on!” Gikwang only got close enough to snag Yoseob’s wrist, then he was pulling his fellow singer back in the direction he’d come. “The counter guy said he had that Tivo thing, so we can rewind it, but you’ve got to see it, seriously!”

Yoseob let Gikwang drag him back to the beachside vendor where he’d gone to fetch their drinks.

Judging from the crowd and the way they parted as Gikwang and Yoseob entered, he assumed that his guess about Gikwang being recognized had been right. It was a little suspicious that they were so quiet, but he could practically feel the anticipation in the air.

Everyone in the room obviously knew something he didn’t and were practically vibrating with it as they watched him.

It was kind of creepy, really.

“Okay, okay, play it again!” Gikwang demanded, waving a hand at the boy behind the counter who was holding a remote.

Before Yoseob really had a chance to wonder at how quickly the boy obeyed, Gikwang was forcing his head around to watch the flat-screen that was mounted on the wall above the far end of the counter.

His lips parted in a tiny o of surprise and he moved forward out of Gikwang’s hands without any conscious thought of his movements.

‘So today’s win has cemented South Korea’s spot in the final sixteen. How does it feel for your goal to be the one to catapult your team to success?”

Doojoon laughed, embarrassment and happiness mingling together on his face as he leaned down a bit. He towered over the small woman, easily twice her size. Funny, Yoseob didn’t remember him as being exceptionally tall. Maybe the interviewer was just that short. The wide, solid build, though… That he remembered. ‘I’m just glad we won. The entire team played with all their hearts today and it really showed out on the field.’

The woman with the microphone smiled. ‘It certainly did. Tonight’s game between France and Italy will determine who South Korea plays in the first round of the Finals tournament. Who are you hoping will win?’

‘Well, they’re both tough teams and we have nothing but respect for their abilities, so… We’ll just wait and see and play whoever we play to the best of our ability.’

‘Many people are surprised that South Korea has made it this far. What do you have to say to those who thought you couldn’t do it? Or the ones who think that this is as far as you can go?’

Doojoon shrugged and made a dismissive gesture with his hand. ‘There are always going to be people who don’t believe in what we can do. There’s no point in saying anything to them. Instead, I’d rather thank the people who have believed in us. There’s no way we could have made it this far without the support and love from all of our friends, family, and the fans who have always been behind us 100%.’

‘It’s funny you should say that…’

Doojoon gave her an odd look as if wondering what she’d expected him to say, but Yoseob had enough experience with interviewers to recognize a lead in when he heard it. She didn’t disappoint him.

‘Everyone was surprised to find out that rock star, Yang Yoseob, is counted among those fans.’

At first, Doojoon looked a little surprised at the turn of the interview, but then he shrugged. ‘Many korean idols have expressed their support and encouragement for us as we’ve made our way to this point.’

‘Yes, but it seems like Yang’s support is a little more… personal?’

‘Ah… You mean…’ Doojoon’s laugh was only a little embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck. ‘I suppose that’s true.’

Before the woman could get any further in her probing, two player’s wearing South Korean colors were sneaking up behind Doojoon and dumping something wet and green over his head.

Doojoon spluttered and turned around to throw mock punches at the other men before hugging them close. Chaos reigned for a moment as the rest of the team spilled into the screen, bouncing, laughing, and cheering.

‘Well. There you have it, folks. South Korea is headed to the final 16. We’ll be sure to closely follow their progress.’

Before the camera cut out, Doojoon jogged back over. ‘Hey, can I say one more thing?’

‘Uh, sure.’ The woman looked only slightly confused before putting the microphone up for the player.

Doojoon looked straight at the camera for the first time since the beginning of the interview and smiled. It was still just as captivating a smile as it had ever been. ‘Yah, Seobie. I have a guitar with your name on it. Come play me a song sometime, okay?’

Yoseob swayed slightly where he stood, a giddy happiness welling up.

“Seobie?” Gikwang’s voice was soft as he put a hand on Yoseob’s waist to steady him. “Did he mean what I think he meant?”

Yoseob could only nod.

I have a guitar with your name on it.

They’d exchanged first autographs that night. Doojoon had dutifully handed over his jersey - literally, the shirt off his back, as he’d just won his last high school championship less than an hour before - and Yoseob had offered up the only thing he’d had related to his music at the time.

The only thing special about the plain acoustic guitar had been the sentiments it held - it had been a gift from his late father to help him pursue his dream and it had seen him through years of small amateur gigs that had never been particularly well received. He’d never have given it to anyone else, but Doojoon had been the only other person in his young life who had encouraged him to keep reaching for that dream and it had seemed appropriate at the time.

On the screen, Doojoon made a victory sign.


gikwang, hyunseung, romance, au, beast, dooseob, yoseob

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