fic: Rainy Night (DooSeob)

Jul 15, 2010 22:23

Title: Rainy Night
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg-13 for implied theme
Genre: romance
Pairing/Characters: DooSeob
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: written for ohmygod_sun's prompt - it's raining heavily and Yoseob is waiting for Doojoon to come home. ^_^ I hope you like it. And uh... yeah. The title is lame. I know. ^^;;

Summary: Yoseob waits for Doojoon on a rainy night.


Yoseob had always found something soothing about the sound of heavy rain against windows and roofs. Something calming about closing his eyes and just listening as mother nature worked her magic and washed the world a little cleaner.

He’d never been afraid of storms, not even when he’d been small enough that his mother had often insisted that the floods would just wash him away. She was forever chasing him back inside after finding him outside, standing on the sidewalk with his eyes closed, letting the rain wash over him. It had baffled her that her sunny hearted child would find such pleasure and fascination with rain storms.

As he’d gotten older, he’d come to realize that he hadn’t been doing his lungs or his voice any favors with his habits and he’d started staying indoors and enjoying the rain from the warmth and dryness more suitable for a singer.

It was never quite the same, though, no matter how close he pressed to the glass.

Sighing, Yoseob stared out the living room window into the pouring rain.

They’d entered the period of a band’s career that he liked the least - the period with all the rigamorole of hard work and little of the gratification that came once they started promoting again. No one wanted to admit it, but they were all a little afraid that their fans would wander off and find other artists to love more instead of waiting for their next album.

His lips quirked in a faint grin.

They’d had the same fears earlier in the year between their first and second albums and their Beauties had been there waiting for them the entire time. There was no reason to believe this time would be any different, but he knew he wasn’t the only one fervently scanning the forums and updating his public blogs twice as often as necessary just to make sure they weren’t being forgotten.

Each day was a little longer than the last and there was a calendar hidden away from prying eyes whose days were being ticked off faithfully in anticipation of the day when they’d get back to the part of their jobs that they all loved the best.

Hyunseung and Junhyung had both crawled straight into bed as soon as they’d finally stumbled home hours before. Neither had even bothered to eat more than the quick snacks that had been offered to them in the car. Kikwang hadn’t been much better. He’d forced some fruit down with a mutter about good heath before he’d followed his hyung’s examples.

Dongwoon had rubbed his eyes and sighed before pulling out the study guides he was using to brush up on his Mandarin. He’d managed an entire hour and an actual meal of instant ramen before he’d finally called it a night.

Checking the time, Yoseob sighed again. He shut his eyes and let his head rest against the window.

All but two of their members were safely tucked into bed getting what rest they could before an early wake up call pulled them all back to the studio.

He bit his lip and fiddled with his cell phone, wondering if he shouldn’t send a text to make sure Doojoon was all right.

As band leader, he’d had to stay behind for one reason or another while everyone else had been carted off home. Still, he should have been home already and Yoseob wasn’t ashamed to admit that he’d passed mildly concerned into genuinely worried before Dongwoon had gone to bed.

He should have gone to bed himself. He was just as tired as his band mates, but Yoseob knew there was no way he’d be able to go to sleep until Doojoon was home, safe and sound in the bed next to him where he was supposed to be.

He chewed at his thumb nail as he considered his phone again.

Doojoon was usually much better about not leaving him to worry. Even when he’d vanished into no where Africa, he’d been sure to leave Yoseob a note to reassure him that all was well and there was nothing to worry about.

He always called when he was going to be late.

Yoseob stared back out the window. He loved the rain, but he was adult enough to know that the kinds of things that could happen. Doojoon and Jiyong could have decided to stay at the studio rather than brave the heavy storm. Roads could have been blocked. Power lines could have fallen.

Accidents could have happened.

He only hesitated another moment before flipping his phone up and hurriedly typing out a text. Even if everything is fine and he ends up looking like some kind of worrywart girlfriend, at least he’ll know and maybe that will be enough to let him sleep.

Something bumped into the door and Yoseob jumped, whirling around and closing his phone at the sounds of the key scrapping in the lock.

“Fucking rain,” Jiyong muttered as he stumbled inside, shaking his wet hair as he stepped aside to let Doojoon in. “It’s not even the rainy season yet. Why is it raining so damned hard?”

“Global warming,” came Doojoon’s sleepy reply as he dropped his bags just to the side of the door and kicked off his shoes. “Makes -” he had to pause as a yawn escaped “-makes the weather all crazy.”

Shaking his head at the picture they made, all sopping wet and half asleep, Yoseob tossed his phone onto the nearest surface. “You’re late.”

They both stopped and looked up at him blankly for a long moment before glancing at each other. Silent agreement passed between them as Jiyong waved good night to Yoseob and headed off to get himself dried off and into bed.

“I thought you were going to pass out as soon as you got home,” Doojoon said softly, shedding his soaked jacket and the t-shirt underneath that had gotten just as wet. He considered his jeans. They were only mildly damp at the top, but the bottoms of the legs were dripping water all over the floor and he sighed before tugging them off as well.

Yoseob watched, appreciation for the sight of the man’s mostly nude, slightly damp figure edging out the concern and irritation he’d been feeling. “I couldn’t sleep. Not until I knew you were home.”

Not until I knew you were safe.

Doojoon paused and glanced up at him, only mildly surprised at the confession. Everyone in the group had projects that kept them out of the door at odd hours. The band leader, especially, had a number of demands on his time and attention that meant it wasn’t uncommon for him to be away from the rest of the group for days on end. Yoseob knew and accepted that. Even once they’d exchanged shy confessions and begun moving their relationship ever so slowly from friendship to something more, Yoseob made sure he was never any more clingy and demanding than normal.

He trusted that Doojoon’s feelings were the same as his own and he didn’t feel the need to micromanage the man’s time or know exactly where he was or who he was with every single minute of every single day.

The only thing he’d ever asked was that Doojoon let him know he was safe and sound wherever he was.

Contrite, Doojoon moved easily through the room to wrap his arms around Yoseob’s waist. “I’m sorry, Seobie. I’d have called, but you really did look asleep on your feet when you guys left. I didn’t want to wake you up unless it was necessary.”

Yoseob relaxed against Doojoon’s chest and let his head settle on the man’s strong shoulders. “It’s okay. I was just… I worry too much, I know.” He made a face and kissed Doojoon’s neck, tasting the rainwater that still clung to the skin and was dripping out of the short hair. “I’m trying to get better about it.”

Doojoon chuckled and swayed slowly. “Don’t. I like it.”

“You like having a boyfriend that freaks out if you’re a half hour late?” Yoseob pulled back, needing to see Doojoon’s expression just to make sure he wasn’t being teased. There was nothing but sweet sincerity and contentment on Doojoon’s face, though.

“It’s nice,” Doojoon offered with a shrug and a gentle kiss. “It shows how much you care.”

Yoseob considered that for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. “You’re weird.”

Laughing, Doojoon kissed Yoseob again. “Maybe, but you love me anyways so what does that make you?”

“Oh, there’s never been any question that I’m weird. I don’t go around trying to pretend I’m normal.” He reached up and brushed Doojoon’s hair with a hand, grinning as it made water fly around. “I know it’s been raining hard, but you guys must have walked home to get so wet.”

Doojoon made a face. “Jiyong dropped the house keys as we were getting into the car at the studio. It took fifteen minutes of looking before we finally found them, but then I accidentally knocked them into a storm drain and then …. Let’s just say it wasn’t fun. I’d have much rather been here with you.”

Letting his arms slip around Doojoon’s neck, Yoseob laughed and curled close. “Poor baby. We should get you dried off and tucked into bed.”

“Sleep in my bed tonight? We’re not scheduled for in-home filming tomorrow.”

Yoseob smiled.



romance, beast, dooseob, yoseob, fic

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