fic: Realign {DooSeob, Seungho}

May 05, 2010 16:42

Title: Realign
Length: one-shot
Series: Re:Verse (last full fic in the series, after Rewind, Replay, and Reset)
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg
Genre: drama, romance
Pairing/Characters: DooSeob, Seungho of MBLAQ, Rain
Warnings: RPS, Future-ish sort of fic, Strange happenings
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: Okay, O I couldn't walk away from the Universe after all. ^^;; This is really the last actual fic, though. I may or may not drabble around in the verse if the inspiration hits me, but yeah... ^_^ Thanks for all the comments and love~<3

Summary: Someone stands watch over what is and what shall be so that what might have been never comes to pass...



Seungho just gave his friend a small smile and nodded over to the center of the party where three little girls were crawling all over a laughing Yoseob. “Is Euna still asking for a little sister?”

Laughing, Doojoon shook his head. “Hae just about has her convinced that a puppy would be better.” He shook his head and grinned at his family, love and devotion making his expression glow. “I’m waiting for her to decide that she has to have both.”

“So? Is there a third little Dooseob spawn in the works?”

The younger man shrugged and leaned against the wall Seungho had staked out. “Maybe. We weren’t going to… It’s not really fair to Yoseob’s sister to spend her life pregnant with someone else’s children-”

“I don’t think she minds.”

“No, but she and Junhyung have been getting closer lately. Seobie doesn’t think it’ll be long before she asks him out - if he hasn’t done it first.”

“Ah..” Seungho had noticed the pair talking in a corner earlier, but hadn’t really thought much about it. His mind had been filled with other things lately. “But now?”

“Hmm?” Doojoon glanced at him in confusion for a moment before making the mental step back into the conversation. “Oh, well… Doori offered to do it if we decided we wanted a third.” He smiled. “Euna was pouting over a family dinner about the sister thing and Seobie was trying to explain that her auntie was tired.”

Seungho laughed. “And one thing led to another.”

“Pretty much.”

Across the way, Yoseob had stood up and was pleading with the other adults to save him from the monsters so he could get something to drink.

Once they were all plucked off of him, he wound his way through the crowd, making a beeline for Doojoon.

“Oh, you are a god, Doojoonie, I swear you are,” Yoseob said with a dramatic flair as he took the drink Doojoon offered him. He fanned himself and swayed against his partner. “I’m not young enough to keep up with them anymore.”

“I don’t know about that,” Doojoon said, laughing as he ruffled Yoseob’s hair before pulling him close. “You seem to be holding your own just fine.”

“Mmm…” Yoseob’s eyes slipped closed as he leaned in for a long moment. Then he blinked up at Seungho. “Hey~ When did you get here?”

Seungho shrugged, carefully watching the other’s expression. The shadows that had been held in his friend’s eyes for far too long were fading rapidly. It wouldn’t be too long before they’d be gone completely.

He smiled. “I’ve been here for a while, you’ve just been pre-occupied.”

“True,” Yoseob glanced back at the kids, his eyes glazing slightly for a moment. Then he frowned and shook his head before turning back to Doojoon. “I’m going to go inside for a minute, okay? I think the sun is starting to get to me.”

“You all right?” Doojoon asked, concern coloring his voice.

Yoseob just offered him a thumbs up. “Yes, Yoon-leadah~ I’m all right. I just need to sit down for a few minutes.”

They shared a sweet, lingering kiss, then Yoseob slipped away under Doojoon’s worried eyes and Seungho’s watchful gaze.

“Everything okay?”

Doojoon bit his lip for a moment and shrugged. “I don’t know. He hasn’t been sleeping well this week. Weird dreams, I think.” He seemed to hesitate before glancing at Seungho. “It’s getting better, but…”

Seungho smiled and nudged Doojoon with an elbow. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. But maybe you should go make him lay down or something? I don’t think Dongwoon would mind if you guys borrowed the guest bedroom for a nap…”

The younger man perked right up at the idea. He glanced around to make sure everyone was occupied first, then grinned at Seungho. “If anyone asks-”

“I’ll let them know Yoseob wasn’t feeling well.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Doojoon gave him a quick one-armed hug before following Yoseob’s path towards the house.

A faint smile lingered on his lips as Seungho watched his friend go.

“I don’t believe I entirely approve of this tendency of yours to interfere with the flow of time…”

Seungho didn’t turn to see the man who’d come up to him, but his smile took on a smug tilt. “Then you shouldn’t have taught me how.”

“Hmm… Always so impudent…” Rain sighed and leaned beside his protege.

“A mistake was made. I simply provided an opportunity for it to be corrected.”

“Indeed…” They stood in silence, watching the party continue around them. Then Rain nodded towards the house. “Is he all right?”

Seungho shrugged. “He has the memories of two lifetimes trying to realign themselves in his head. I’m sure he’s very confused right now. Probably has a bitch of a headache, too.”

Rain nodded.

“He’ll be okay, though. Doojoon will take care of him.”

Doojoon was alive to take care of him.

Seungho closed his eyes and tilted his face up to the sun, enjoying the simple fact that his friend was alive.

A hand settled on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, and he glanced over to see the soft smile of approval on Rain’s face. “You did good, Seungho.”

“Seobie did the hard part,” Seungho said quietly, memory of his friend’s suffering echoing in his mind.

“But you’re the one that will have to remember it in the end.”

Seungho thought about standing in the wings, watching the mistakes that were made, watching them be compounded, and unable to do anything until Yoseob was willing to face them. He remembered the painful sorrow of burying one of his best friends and watching another bury himself in a life that he wasn’t meant for.

He remembered the simple, full-bodied joy as Yoseob had thrown himself into his second chance, trying to make up for 15 years of absence in every single day he’d been granted.

He remembered the fumbling missteps that had been made when the year was up and past and future had returned to their proper places.

While Yoseob’s memories would merge and the things that hadn’t happened would eventually fade into something dreamlike and unreal to him, Seungho would always remember every joy and sorrow.

It was the burden one was forced to accept when they chose to interfere with time.

Laughter echoed across the lawn and he smiled at the life and love that surrounded him as his friends and family celebrated another year of a life that had almost never come to be.

It was the lightest burden he’d ever carried.


mblaq, doojoon, romance, yoseob, rain, drama, re:verse, seungho, au, fic, dooseob

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