Evan Lysacek was amazing and adorable. And he totally reminded me of Choi Siwon of Super Junior. ^^;;
As for Yevgeny Plushenko.... -_- I respect his skating, but what a
fucktard. oh I didn't win because it was held in Canada and I'm not a North American, obviously. Grow up and stick your landings, douche. Or put your quads at the end for the bonus percentage. Sure, a quad is a quad, but a good landing is a good landing. I'm not saying that I disagree that the judging system is really fucking odd, but it is what it is and he can't say he didn't know that before going in.
I liked him a lot better before he opened his mouth.
More than anything, I think it was the lack of congratulations that irked me. I mean, okay, you disagree with the judges. Fine. But be a gracious sportsman to your fellow competitors. Not a dickhead.
Props to Takahashi Daisuke for third, his program was awesome despite his fall. And the other Japanese skater Nobunari Odo such a cutie. I felt bad that his laces broke, but he got right back out like a champion and otherwise skated well.
All in all, it was a truly bizarre Olympic competition. I've never seen so many skaters fall down during their routines. And before that there was the women's half pipe which also had an amazing number of wipe outs for a finals. Weird as hell.