All right, I'll admit defeat. I didn't finish my old prompts. But I don't feel like just curling up to a ball and vanishing (oh wait, I already did that >.< ). Guess it's time to move on. I want to try another challenge and I think I will. More Bwen. (I *HATE* the new stuff but I *LOVE* these kissing cousins too much to just let them go). I'll try to update weekly to monthly (I dislike how lax I've become, I need to push my writing skill).
Here is my new challenge. Only 30 this time. Each entry will NOT be a snippet. Those make me lazy. If I do a drabble, it might be for the old challenge. This challenge I want to try to hit 1000-2000 words. Get some stories done, y'know?
001.You were never mine to begin with.002.I'm willing to sacrifice anything just for you.003.Find me in the Dark.004.Darkness in my heart.005.Release my darkness; Bring me warmth.006.Stolen Heart.007.First sunlight after the darkness.008.One last date....009.When all hope is lost.010.Together itsumo (Together always).011.You will never look at me.
012.Your love is suffocating me.013.Paint the night with stars.014.Guardian Angel.015.Telling you the truth.016.You don't know what you have done to me.017.Black Wings; Wings.018.Listen to the music at night.019.Crying all night for you.020.Never leave me again.021.Seeking for you.022.Love you till the very end.023.Like an art piece.024.My heart is bleeding for you....025.Release of the evils.026.Frozen moment at the first sight.027.I'm souless without you.028.I feel safe with you by my side.029.I will never hurt you.030.It hurt to see you cry.031.Bonus:
Finally together.032.Bonus:
I hate to love, but for you I'm willing to...033.Bonus:
I feel peace at night.034.Bonus:
It's hard not to love you. 035.Bonus:
I'm poisoned from the very moment.036.Bonus:
Don't worry, I'll always be by your side.037.Bonus:
Threads of Fate.038.Bonus:
Alone at night.039.Bonus:
Hear the thunder roar and the lightning flash.040.Bonus:
It's just a nightmare.Table made by