Aug 20, 2009 05:58
I've been mulling over the age old call for a mana system for use in D&D. I threw this together over the past few hours, let me know what you think.
0-level treated as a minor expenditure of energy, a second pool of MP that regenerates totally after roughly half an hour, MP from the 'normal' pool can be burned if necessary for some reason.
Spells per day summed, ignoring 0-level, Int/Wis/Cha Mod added per new spell level slot as usual = normal MP pool.
Spell cost calculated by their spell level and modifications, slot system remaining as a limiter of your ability to cast (So that a 2nd wizard with a sum of 10mp can't cast a 9th level spell).
MP regeneration calculated by the number of spells ordinarily regained in 8hrs of rest, broken down into half hour chunks. True rest nets full regeneration, non-strenuous activity grants half regeneration, otherwise 1mp (thinking of revising this) per half hour.
Metamagic needs to be worked on for both types of casters.
Specialist casters gain a tertiary pool equal to their extra spells from the appropriate school, which can only be spent on spells of that school, but regenerates alongside the Main pool. Standard mana may supplement Specialist mana, but not viceversa.
5th level wizard (standard, nonspecialized)
Preparation counts for 'spells known today'. Thus, preparing a single spell multiple times is unecessary.
INT 18 +4
0th 4+4,
1st 3+4,
2nd 2+4
3rd 1+4
4th -
Cantrips: 8 per half hour
Real Mana: 18 (Cap 3. Meaning a maximum of 3mp can be spent on a given spell, for the sake of metamagic limitation)
Regen: 18 / 16 hr = 1.125 (Always Round Down). 1mp per half hour of full rest.
5th level sorceror (standard)
CHA 18 +4
0th 6+4
1st 6+4
2nd 4+4
3rd -
4th -
Cantrips: 10 per half hour
Real mana: 18 (Cap 2)
Regen: 18 / 16 hr = 1.125 (Always Round Down). 1mp per half hour of full rest.
Magical Burnout. Take both 1d6 CON and applicable mental stat (CHA/INT/WIS) damage per point of extra mana needed.
Spending 2d6 this way additionally fatigues the character.
Spending 3d6 this way instead exhausts the character.
Cantrip Burnout always deals 1 point of CON and CHA/INT/WIS damage, unless modified by metamagic (I'm not even sure if you can do that)
Note: 0 or lower Int, Wis, or Cha forces unconsciousness. 0 or lower CON forces death.
(Ability damage heals at a rate of 1 per day (all damages simultaneously) normally, double that if under the effects of a successful long-term heal check by another character; 2 ability score points for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 ability score points for each full day of complete rest.)
EX: A wizard with INT 18 and CON 12 has 2mp left, and for whatever reason needs desperately to cast a 4mp spell. He may do so, but rolls 2d6, and gets 7, knocking his CON down to 5 and his INT down to 11. This limits his ability to cast or prepare high level spells, and reduces his maximum HP (any HP in excess of this new limit is lost), until the ability score damage heals.
I realize these are quite potent, but I'm still working on it. Help me out here.