Aug 22, 2007 23:57
You* hold that your faith binds you to morality, for fear of divine retribution. And yet, a thousand times over, I have seen you confess a nagging, whispering doubt in the deepest recess of your faith. A tiny, tiny, hoarse little voice that threatens to collapse your faith and suffocate you in the grasp of stark reality. The whispers of reason that say it might not be true, after all. That there is no ultimate truth, no divine order, no secret world beyond the veil.
And from that, I draw a suspicion that you will never be judged, never stripped to your bare spirit and held accountable for your sins. But you still keep your nose clean while god's watching, right? While you believe, anyway.
You make me sick. Counting on a heavenly court to meet out your judgement, rather than holding yourself accountable for your own actions. A court which you all doubt (except perhaps the clinically insane), even if only in some tiny fraction. Getting off scot free in the event you simply turn to dirt when you die. A reasonable wager, I'd say.
Fear your god, hold firm in your faith, and obey only these rules in the book, only because hell awaits those who do not. Also, kill anybody we write in with this next translation.
Forgive me, but does that seem a little whacked to anyone else?
*This whole rant refers to a drunken neighbor who I had a long conversation with several weeks ago, although I have seen this sort of faith before. No, not Flounder.
religious disease