(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 10:44

Critic review with my own comments inserted in:
Depraved Movie Lives Up to Its Title

Released: Apr 1st, 2005
Starring: Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Benicio Del Toro, and Brittany Murphy
Genre: Thriller/Noir/Fantasy
Audience: Older teenagers and adults
Rating: R
Runtime: 172 minutes
(PaPaPa, RoRoRo, AbAb, B, LLL, VVV, SSS, NN, AA, DD, MMM) Pervasive pagan moral worldview with murder(there's something wrong with this?), revenge (a dish best served cold), corruption (so just like reality), and prostitution, and strong Romantic philosophy that pits the individual against an evil society (vigilantes galore and never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups), as well as anti-Christian content includes two corrupt or evil priests, both of whom are murdered (one inside a confessional)(serves them right- that whole righteousness thing), and light moral element man risks life to stop a pedophile and end governmental corruption; 33 obscenities, but no ‘f’ words, and eight strong profanities (fuck, you don't say?); gory (right up my alley), bloody violence includes many people being fatally shot with some body parts flying off(isn't that what normally happens when a bullet rips through you?), man dragged from car (makes you wonder if he was a tourist in FL), crooked priest shot in confessional, people hit in head with sledgehammers and hatchets, men impaled (vlad vlad he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!), decapitations with a head that is bandied like a ball, cannibal keeps decapitated heads on his wall (not the first person to keep trophies), dog eats at dead person (well a dog don't care- meat is meat man), corpses are cut into pieces so they can be dumped (absolutely hilarious! "I need a car with a really big trunk. Hmmm, no way are these bodies gonna fit."), murderer is electrocuted by the state (which it takes them juicing him twice to kill him- that's one tough motherfucker), gun backfires and becomes lodged in man’s head, pedophile’s genitalia is pulled off (umm all pedophiles whould have their genitalia ripped off- what's the problem here?), suicide, man almost hanged, woman lashed(HOT HOT HOT! Go Alba!), grenade explodes, people punched, man jumps through windshield, people smashed into wall, and men’s heads are held in toilet bowls; fornication depicted (O the horror- no one has sex now a days!), pedophile kidnaps a girl but is prevented from harming her, many characters are prostitutes, and reference to priests using hookers; upper and rear female nudity; heavy alcohol use; prescription drug abuse and smoking; and, heavy governmental corruption, heavy corruption in the Catholic Church, cannibalism, pedophilia, revenge, and kidnapping. (these things never happen in real life- yeah right, and I'm still a virgin.)
SIN CITY is a blisteringly violent movie with an anti-social, anti-Christian perspective. It weaves together three stories of sadistic men pursuing their own warped brands of justice in a depraved city. Become educated about what’s in this movie and don’t support it. (All the more reason to SUPPORT this film- self righteous fuck head)
Eddie Turner (should be told to remove the stick from his ass)
SIN CITY is a different breed of comic book movie. There are no flashy costumes, there’s no Batmobile, and there is no hero. Instead of triumph, there is an endless barrage of evil acts and anti-biblical hedonism. ( I tend to disagree there are several heroes in this movie- people who stood up for what they thought was wrong and tried to change it.)

The movie is broken up into three parts which weave together loosely. Bruce Willis is John Hartigan, the only character who could be confused for a hero. Just before quitting the police force, he risks his life to stop a powerful man from molesting and murdering young girls. He succeeds in saving the girl, but he is framed for the crime and thrown into prison. The almost-victim never forgets his bravery and writes to him every week for twenty years.(It wasn't 20 years- you can tell he really paid attention to this movie when he viewed it, right? It was 8 years.) When he is released, he has to save her life again. (Well, yeah because the bastards never had to pay for the crimes- they imprisoned the hero and almost get away with it)

Marv is a disfigured mutant with a bad temper played, with lots of makeup and prosthetics, by Mickey Rourke. A beautiful woman named Goldie seems to be suddenly in love with him, then after one night of passion, she is murdered in his bed. Marv canvases the city to find out who killed Goldie. When he finds out, he unfolds a huge conspiracy that involves the government and the Catholic Church. (SHOCK! Please see the BUSH regime for examples of this as well as the ever so friendly "Foundation" who greases the palms of politicians across the US. The Church and politics have never been truly separated- there corruption runs deep. enough said.)

Lastly, Clive Owen’s character Dwight has to defend his girlfriend (Brittany Murphy) from her abusive and potentially insane ex-boyfriend Jack Rafferty (Benecio Del Toro). Dwight chases Jack all the way to Old Towne, which is policed by outlaws and a gang of hard-fighting prostitutes. After Jack pushes his luck and gets killed, Dwight realizes that Jack was a cop, and now he and the prostitutes have to hide the murder.

Already, then, SIN CITY seems depraved, but the truth is more extreme. Even an essentially good intentioned character like Bruce Willis’s John Hartigan uses sadistic and horrifically violent methods to fight the bad guys. Marv, who is out for revenge, not justice, drags a man from his car and shoots a corrupt, lying priest inside the confessional. This betrays not only a sociopathic thirst for violence from the filmmakers, but a cynical, extremely hostile view of religion. (Ok, any true thinking person should have a hostile view on religion and at least look deeper than the surface and not accept everything at face value.) The bad guys are even worse, the highlight of which is Elijah Wood as a demon-like cannibal. (mmmm Hey FRODO pass me a rib. I think it's hilarious that he plays this part. I just can't stop grinning)

Perhaps more disturbing than the violence is the line of thought that undergirds this movie, that each man is utterly alone and therefore pitted against the rest of society. That is the lie of Romantic individualism. (if you want something right, do it yourself- and listen buddy I'd sooner rely in myself than take some tall tales written hundreds of year ago as the truth) The Bible tells us that we are all part of the body of Christ and, by extension that we should exist in communities.(Since when? Every religion views themselves as the "righteous ones" and have killed "non-believers" for thousands of years) As adopted sons of God, we are not individuals in the Romantic sense, but actual members of a family network.(God, save me from your followers!) The dangerous individualism (WTF?) of SIN CITY teaches us that we cannot trust any man ( i don't believe that we should put our faith or trust in complete strangers and let them make decisions for me), which results in the amorality and paranoid violence exhibited in the movie.

On a craft level, SIN CITY is fairly accomplished. The black and white cinematography, with little splashes of color, is engrossing and truly succeeds in creating an alternate world for the audience. The three stories are stitched together very similarly to the three episodes in PULP FICTION, with some characters reappearing and a twisted chronology,
and the maneuver is again effective. It adds some complexity to the otherwise straightforward plot. (THE CINEMATOGRAPHY IS AWESOME)

Although the dialogue is intentionally stilted, to ape film noir, the actors do some exceptional jobs bringing humanity and realism to their characters. Bruce Willis is especially good. His Detective Hartigan is not a cardboard cut-out but a real person struggling to do what he thinks is right. For all the flack he takes, Willis is actually a convincing actor who’s often very fun to watch. Most of the performances are good, which speaks to the directors’ and actors’ seriousness about this movie. (The dialogue is a bit cheesy at times, but it's meant to be. Some things are very detective film noir sayings. I think Willis did a great job, but can I get a hell yeah for Rosario Dawson and Mickey Rourke?) Everyone should get a round of applause.)

Filmmaking virtuosity aside, SIN CITY is despicable. It glamorizes and justifies its violence and anti-social behaviors to a highly successful degree. It is important that we who are educated about the issues to not support vile-spewing movies like this one. (yeah, go suck the pus out of the boil on your ass)
In short this movie kicks ass and you should ignore the pompous critic reviews cause they wouldn't know what a good movie was if it bit them in the balls.
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