Apr 20, 2008 19:32
I... Ecclipse Rant.
I am not responsible for pain caused by laughter, or heart attacks caused by spoilers.
You... you're joking right?
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SERIOUSLY. Wtf was that? I don't even.... AAAAAARH. That was so... so stupid. Jacob's an ass. I love him. Edward's an ass. I like him a little more. Bella is still a GOD DAMNED IDIOT. OMG. Wow. Girl you're stupid.
AREN'T, LIKE, THERE KIDS READING THIS BOOK? Holy shit, Stephanie Meyer you did not just give an innuendo to sex, rape and zomg mass murder in one book.
... Speaking of sex. When I realized why Edward didn't want to have sex with Human!Bella all I could do was laugh. Seriously. I think of how Meyer describes Edward running, and throwing things around. Then I imagine all bad het fanfics where all the author can do is talk about the boy pounding into the poor girl. Seriously. I was crying laughing. I was ROFL. Seriously. The ROFLcopter had taken off with no end of flight in sight.
Boot to the head... to myself.
D'aaaaaw. Jacob. Can't he just imprint on a nice boy and/or girl? Give up on that idiot Bella. That conversation between him and Edward was pretty damn sexy. Why can't they be together again? I'm sure they'd get over their scent issues while they're too busy pleasuring each other with smexy goodness.
So... the only point of this book was to get rid of Victoria, and get Bella engaged to Edward. Oh yeeeeeah, Bella's end of the deal. What the hell, girl? With marriage, sex is usually a given. Guess she couldn't handle vampirism as a virgin?
That book... was.... I have no words. It was a disgrace to literature.
And yet I'm all set to start doing things for the fandom. What the hell?
This rant isn't over yet.
capslock abuse,