WIth a Little Help

Jul 27, 2010 12:16

Title: With a Little Help
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: Set After the Winter War
Pairing: Shunsui Kyoraku x Nanao Ise
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #12 - Uproar; Chaos; Disturbance
Summery: The end of the Winter War has brought some changes Nanao doesn't like.

With a Little Help

The Winter War was over, and Nanao was having trouble adjusting to the changes in the Seireitei. The biggest of these changes, at least for Nanao, was the fact that she was currently serving as the lieutenant of the Fifth Division while its new captain settled into his duties. It was a temporary position change for her, and it was due to the reshuffling that had been going on with other divisions. Momo had been transferred to the Tenth to serve as their new lieutenant. That had been both to replace Rangiku and in order to give Momo a relationship that she knew she could trust with the captain she served. Rangiku had resigned and chosen to follow Ichimaru into exile in the living world at the end of the war. That decision hadn't surprised Nanao.

Nanao's own position as lieutenant of the Eighth Division was temporarily being filled by Lisa Yadomaru. While like most of the other Vizards Lisa hadn't been willing to return permanently to the Gotei Thirteen, she had been willing to help out in the short term. If Nanao was honest, she didn't quite know how she felt about that. In some ways, Nanao did feel like she was being replaced, and she wasn't entirely happy with her new position. She missed her division. For all that the Fifth Division should have been a better fit for her, the Eighth was home. But she knew that she was needed here at the Fifth right now, and she would due her duty by them.

It also didn't help that Nanao didn't share the same rapport and understanding with Captain Kimura that she did with Captain Kyoraku. Nor did the fact that the Fifth was run rather differently from the Eighth, and as lieutenant, Nanao didn't really have the authority to change things. For example, it was true that she did most of paperwork for the Eighth, but her captain had taken on many of a lieutenant's non-paperwork duties to allow her to do so. Captain Kimura expected her to do most of the paperwork and all of her non-paperwork duties like training and missions. It was beginning to be more than Nanao could handle.

Quite honestly, Nanao felt unaccountably tired and lonely. She missed the Eighth despite all of its craziness. It had her home for most of her life, and she missed her captain. Because Captain Kyoraku really was her captain despite the fact that she was working for the Fifth now. She knew exactly who had her loyalty. Nanao thought longingly of her office at the Eighth. She missed the thrum of reaitsu that marked Shunsui's presence and the way he tended to fuss over her. She missed their partnership. She missed her home.

With a sigh, Nanao reached for another piece of paperwork. Being homesick didn't get her work done, and she was already behind with the paperwork. Nanao was about halfway through filling out the requisition form when Captain Kimura walked into the office.

"Lieutenant Ise."

"Yes, sir?"

"Why haven't these files been dealt with yet?" He gestured to a stack of forms on her desk.

She bit back another sigh. "I haven't had a chance to go over them, sir. They are less of a priority than our requisitions for the month. They'll keep for at least another day or two."

Kimura frowned at her. "I thought you were supposed to be some sort of genius with this administrative work. All the paperwork should be ahead of schedule if that was the case. I expect all of this to be dealt with when I arrive at the office tomorrow. Understood, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, sir."

He left, and Nanao sighed and rubbed her temples before getting back to work. It was going to be a long night.

Retsu was beginning to worry about Nanao Ise. While the captain of the Fourth Division didn't know the younger woman extremely well, she had gotten a good feel for her due to Nanao's close association with Jyuushiro and Shunsui. And while Nanao was dutiful officer and extremely dedicated, she did not normally work herself into a state of complete exhaustion. Of course, some of that had to do with Shunsui fussing over the girl and making sure she ate and slept. And the fact that Nanao currently looked like she hadn't slept in days and was having trouble concentrating in meetings worried Retsu.

Shunsui physically was in better shape, but Retsu knew that he missed his Nanao-chan. Retsu honestly believed that he was in love with Nanao. She and Jyuu had watched that relationship with interest for several decades. It had been looking like they were finally going to getting together. And then Nanao had been transferred temporarily to the Fifth. The distance between the two of them had grown after that. More because they just didn't see one another much than anything else from what Retsu could tell. But Shunsui was willing to do paperwork these days without complaint, and that couldn't be good. Someone clearly was going to have to do something about this.

Shunsui had never liked these meetings, but since they were a chance to see his Nanao-chan for once he wasn't complaining. He missed her desperately. While it was good to know that Lisa was fine and doing well, Shunsui had founded it harder than he expected to work with her again. In part he knew it was because he was so used to having Nanao at his side. The two of them had learned to work very well with one another, and Shunsui was finding it hard to modify those work patterns.

There was also the fact that Nanao's presence had become one of his markers for being at home. All he needed to feel at home was the quiet feel of her reaitsu these days. He missed flirting with her, he missed teasing her, and he missed working with her. And now that she wasn't his lieutenant, he rarely saw her. It seemed that the Fifth was keeping Nanao just as busy as the Eighth had. And since he was not the captain of the Fifth, Shunsui really didn't have an excuse to hang out in her office anymore.

The worst part of it was that Nanao had finally begun to open up to him and respond to his overtures as something other than just her captain and her friend. But any progress that they'd made had stalled with her transfer. But Shunsui had a plan. He was kidnapping Nanao for lunch after this meeting. Not only was the timing of this meeting perfect, but Retsu-chan had mentioned she thought Nanao could use some rest. Shunsui was more than happy to make that happen.

However, he started frown the moment Nanao walked in the door. Nanao was utterly exhausted. It only took a glance for him to tell that. Why hadn't her captain made her rest? She didn't look well at all to his eyes. Her skin was paler than normal, there were dark circles under her eyes, and he would give up sake for a month if she had been eating properly. Shunsui definitely needed to have a word or two with Captain Kimura about how you took care of your people.

The meeting itself was incredibly boring and redundant, and Shunsui was more than glad when it was over. However, when Nanao rose to her feet, he frowned as she swayed on her feet. Both Shunsui and Jyuushiro were on their feet immediately. Shunsui had crossed the room and managed to snatch her up in his arms before she completely collapsed.

"I'm fine, Captain," she protested.

"I disagree," Retsu had joined the two of them. "When was the last time you had a real meal, Ise-san?"

Nanao wrinkled her nose. "I had a bowl of ramen yesterday. I think. It may have been the day before that, but I've nibbled on some onigiri since."

"Last time you had a full night's sleep?"

Nanao's brow furrowed. "I can't remember. Before the Winter War?"

Retsu sighed, and Shunsui cuddled Nanao closer. His Nanao-chan was not taking care of herself.

"Take her home and make sure she rests and eats. I don't want Ise-san back on duty for at least three days." Retsu gave him a look. "Take care of her, Shunsui-kun."

Shunsui nodded. Nanao frowned.

"Don't I get any say in this?"


That response came from Shunsui himself, Retsu, and Jyuu. Nanao sighed. Captain Kimura frowned.

"Wait a minute. Ise is my lieutenant. I should be in charge of her."

Shunsui frowned, but before he could say what he wanted to the man, Retsu had spoken.

"You don't seem to have done a very good job of that to start with. Captain Kyoraku had experience in dealing with difficult patients, and he especially knows how to deal with Lieutenant Ise when she's being difficult. Besides, he is her next of kin."

Shunsui smiled and walked out the door.

Jyuushiro watched with a smile as his lady effective dealt with Kimura's protests. Shunsui had taken the opportunity to get Nanao out of here. That was all well and good to his mind. He and Retsu had been trying to figure out some way to get Nanao and Shunsui back in one another's presence for a while now. Admittedly, Nanao collapsing was not what they had in mind, but it would do. And he should probably have words with Kimura come to think about it. That would be better than having Shunsui do it. This was one thing Shun was liable to lose his temper about. He had always been overprotective when it came to Nanao.

It was a good thing that Shunsui would have his hands full with taking care of Nanao for the next few days. Not only would that keep Shun from getting into any confrontations with Kimura, but it would also give him some time alone with Nanao. If Shunsui hadn't figured out a way to see Nanao more often by the end of those three days, Jyuu would be very surprised. Shunsui knew well enough not to let Nanao get away from him again. And it was definitely going to fun to watch this chapter of their relationship unfold.

Nanao knew that she should protest more strenuously than she does. But the truth of the matter is she liked sitting in Shunsui's private garden wrapped up in haori. Both the garden and the haori are a compromise. She was sick of being stuck in bed, but Shunsui didn't want her exhausting herself. So they'd compromised. It wouldn't be the first time in the past two days.

The lack of anything to do had driven Nanao a little crazy within the first few hours of her convalescence. She'd agreed to stay in bed for the rest of the day if he let her have books to read. Nanao had actually spent a very pleasant afternoon reading, and while she wasn't going to admit it to anyone, the hour or so after dinner when Shunsui had read to her had been the highlight of her day.

In fact, the time she had spent with Shunsui had been entirely lovely. Even more than the rest she was getting, his presence was a balm for Nanao. Being back in Shunsui's presence filled the hole in Nanao's heart that she hadn't really realized was there. Of course, it did help that he seemed quite aware when he was smothering her and backed off. With a soft sigh, Nanao nestled her head against his shoulder.

Shunsui kissed her temple. "Are you all right, Nanao-chan?"

She nodded. "I'm just happy. This is nice."

He chuckled, his arms tightening around her. "I'm more than happy to keep you here forever. You do know that I'm not going to let go again. I've missed you too much."

"I missed you too," her voice was soft.

Shunsui shifted slightly on the bench they were sharing, turning so they were face to face. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned in so their noses touched.

"I love you, Nanao. You might be Kimura's lieutenant right now, but you're still my Nanao-chan. Even if you're never are my lieutenant again, you'll still have a place in my life."

The only response that Nanao could come up with to that was kissing him. Shunsui tugged her into his lap and kissed her until she was out of breath. Nanao wasn't entirely sure where they went from here, but she was happy and content for the first time in months. Shunsui cuddled her close, and Nanao let go of any worries she had for the moment. She could worry later. Right now she was going to enjoy the moment.

bleach, 8th division

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