One Last Dance

Jul 27, 2010 12:11

Title: One Last Dance
Rating: PG
Fandom: FMA
Spoilers/Warnings: AU
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or its characters.
Theme: Let Go
Summery: Roy dances one last time with his ballroom partner.

One Last Dance

Roy Mustang was feeling very pleased with himself at the moment. It didn't really matter that he had just lost his long time dance partner. He and Gracia Isley might have been one of the most highly rated ballroom dance pairs, but Gracia and Maes were one of those couples that would still be disgustingly in love when they were in their nineties. It had taken some doing to get his best friend to agree to taking out his dancing partner, but once the two of them had actually met, it had not taken long at all for them to fall head over heels with one another.

Movement at his side drew Roy's attention back to his date who also happened to be the maid of honor. Riza Hawkeye was the only friend he had had longer than Maes. Her father had been his teacher for years, and they had practically grown up together. If Roy was honest, he had probably fallen in love her sometime back then as well. Not that Roy had ever mentioned that fact to her. He didn't quite know where he stood in her eyes, but he would guess it was somewhere between best friend and annoying acquaintance. Still, she had agreed to be his date for the wedding.

Maes and Gracia finished their first dance, and Roy rose from his seat. He and Gracia had planned a farewell performance. Still, he hesitated a moment.

"Hey, Riza, save a dance for me?"

She smiled at him. "Sure."

As he and Gracia took up their positions on the dance floor, Gracia shot him mischievous grin.

"Have you asked her yet?"

The steps of the foxtrot came easily to them both. It was one of their best dances.

"Asked who what?"

Gracia arched an eyebrow at him. "Asked Riza to be your dance partner. She's your favorite person to dance with, and that includes me. Besides, you two always make everyone green with envy when you dance together."

Roy shook his head. "Riza doesn't dance professionally."

"That doesn't mean she wouldn't be good at it."

The music came to a close, and Gracia and Roy finished their dance with a flashy ending. Gracia grinned at her former partner.

"Go dance with your girl."


theme, ballroom, fma, royai

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