State of the Kitsu Address

Dec 31, 2007 11:58

Holy Crap!!! I have one of these?!? Oh, wow...i feel like a slacker. I mean, i haven't updated this in forever...ah well. Guess I should start...

Well, from where we last left off...

Still single, and happy as hell about it. No sign of my ex, though. He's just plum dropped off the face of the earth. I've left him a few messages, tried to keep in touch. Nothing. Eh, screw it. He'll either pop back up outta the woodwork when his head clears, or he won't. Sure, I miss him, but eh, i miss all my friends when they vanish on me, y'know?

Got a friend coming out to visit me in a few weeks (13 days and counting) who, although we've never met in real life, I already consider him family. Anyone who's been able to help me through some of the roughest patches in my life in recent memory, as well as hear some of the darkest things in my past, and not run screaming into the night? Yeah, that pretty much makes you blood in my book. So, this'll be a fun weekend. Can't wait.

Went back out and retested for my permit. I finally got time off from work, and had the money to spare, so I went down to the DMV to get the ball rolling. After all, the lack of a license and a vehicle have been the longest standing hurdles in my quest for my real life (read:college). So, I need to get that fixed. Passed the written, and got a decent photo taken too, so now I have twice the excuse to bust my butt on getting the license.

And finally, speaking of work, I just got laid off the Thursday before Christmas. It sucks, but them's the breaks. I mean, yeah, I thought I was gonna be kept on after the season, but well, shit happened. So, it looks like I'm gonna be on the dole for a while. And after having a few days to think on it, it's not so bad as all that.

It's a layoff. This means I'll be able to get Unemployment (and at the same rate of pay as at the Camera Shop, or close enough to it I won't have to sweat looking for work for a while), so i can take some time and get my license and not have to sweat the looking for work thing. Instead, I'll be getting paid for the time i need to learn how to drive. Plus, I'm still on the company's employment rolls, so when school dances come around, I'll be able to make a little extra money, and stretch the unemployment out longer.

All in all, a pretty good deal, all things considered.

Not to mention they plan on taking me back fulltime once things pick up, so i don't really need to look for work, and can concentrate on the important stuff with a single minded focus.

So, yeah, on the one hand, it sucks, because I need to work to stay sane, but then again, I also need to get stuff done. So, self improvement is my new temporary full time gig.

And that's a good thing. (Screw you Martha Stewart! I ain't paying royalties for saying that!!!)

So, I'll see you all out there, and here's hoping this next year finds all of us in a better place than this one.

As for me, I got a party to get my butt to. Sayonara craptacular year, konichiwa new, better one.
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