Supernatural 6,01 "Exile on Main St" Episode Review

Sep 24, 2010 22:29

Awwww, what a sad song to open the episode with. Clever tho, I’ll give you that.

I do like the way they keep going back and forth from then and now. Very nice~! And sad. So many things that Dean does probably remind him of his past with Sam.

Did they get the same actor to play Ben? I can’t tell. I’m going to have to check on IMDB.

Of course there’s a shotgun underneath the bed! lol

Oooooh shattering glass! Nice intro!

How did I now it’d be exterminator or pest control! Haha!

HAHA DJ Sam, that’s funneh! (on the poster on the door of the hotel)

Dean’s hair is a bit longer than usual, no? I wonder if they’ll cut it to what it normally is….

Devil’s Trap underneath the welcome mat, NICE! lol

That damn dog again! Haha! A yorkie right?

I love Lisa. She’s so understanding of Dean’s “OCDness”! lol

YED!!!! Hasn’t his body decomposed by now? The meat suit… the guy was dead… like 2 seasons ago!

Holy water with salt? Ewwwwww Yea, that water has got to be nasty!!

Poisoned eh? That explains it. Who’d of thought it would’ve been an easy explanation for how the YED returns! lol Well, somewhat easy answer.

Campbells… Cousins… Yea, I thought all the relatives were gone. GRANDPA CAMPBELL!!!!

Nice car Sam! Awww damn, their security is dead! Nooooo!!!!!


LOL Nice way to say hello. And yes, if Dean is there then its trouble. Haha!

Bobby knew too!!! Awwwww! Poor Dean. He’s gotta feel betrayed.

Again. I love Lisa!!!! She doesn’t blame Dean. She truly loves him.

“You’re an idiot!” Go Lisa!!! No one’s perfect!!

The Djinn is either Sid or the bar waitress. She touched his arm as she handed him the check.

Hahaha! I would think Dean and Same more professional than the Campbells, but I don’t know their hunting skills.

Campbell thinks Dean takes after his mother… Well Dean is a mama’s boy… But he prefers to have Sam than nothing at all. I’m sure he loves Lisa and Ben, but Sam has been his life forever. If anything, both a family and Sam. Meh, just what I think.

THREE Djinn?!!! That’s insane! Siblings, that’s even CRAZIER!!!

When Dean is in “hunter mode” his hair is spiked up. And when he’s a “normal working man” he has his hair down. Heh heh heh, interesting…

LOL Dean didn’t want to talk about Hell, why would Sam want to! I mean, honestly Dean!

HEY, that’s the same bridge from the pilot!!! Movie was obviously filmed in Canada. lol “My Soul to Take”.

My bad, Sid was NOT a Djinn…. Interesting….

Why is Grandpa Campbell keeping one of the Djinn? Interesting…. But poor Dean. So much of what he fears in one swoop!!!! HURRY SAM!!!!!

Still don’t know how I feel about having Campbells in the series. I know its their first episode, but so far I don’t like the stereotypical characters they are so far. The “I’m silent and of few words”, yea…..

How can Dean recuperate so quickly from the poison? I think that’s odd….

What is Sam trying to say? That he’s a better person by being around Dean? Interesting…

OMG Dean wants to give Sam the Impala?!!! But she SHOULD be out hunting… Meh. You can’t separate true love. DEAN/IMPALA. LOL

That is a sweet car tho Sam…. Can’t deny that.

Awwwww, it’s over!!

OOOOOH, those promos for Season 6 of Supernatural are HOTTT!!!!! Thos images of Jared and Jensen…. ^//^ GAAAHHHH!!!!!! *explodes*

Creepy baby episode…. ABOUT TIME!!!!! lol


OK, so far I see that this season is going to be different. Bad, good, unsure as of yet. We’ve only had one episode.

I’m unsure how I feel about the acting of the Campbell cousins. There was just something off about them… Both the acting and the characters. Might’ve just been me, but oh well.

And Grandpa Campbell… hmmmm…. He is totally up to something. As for whether it is good or bad, we’ll just have to wait and see. Wasn’t he kinda a douche beforehand? He might still be.

As for who could’ve brought both Sam and Grandpa Campbell back? Maybe God, possibly Castiel if he has the power to do so. We shall find out possibly the following time we see Cas.

Dean… Dean Dean Dean. *shakes head* First you berate Sam for “pushing” you towards Lisa and Ben. Then you kinda abandon him at the end when Sam says he wants you to join him. Although, I found it odd when Sam said he “pushed” Dean towards Lisa and Ben, and Dean said that was an odd choice of words. Didn’t he kinda say the same thing earlier in the episode? O_o WEIRD….

But as I mentioned before, Dean won’t be happy until he has both his family and Sam by his side. He can’t have Sam and no family, and he’s trying so hard to have a family and no Sam. Even tho he has his family, Dean wishes Sam were there too. The bond between the brothers is strong. Crazy strong. I’m sure that even tho Sam is surrounded by blood relatives, he still feels “alone” and possibly “lost” without Dean. I’m curious as to who cracks first. Will Sam run back to Dean, or will Dean end up leaving his new family to hunt with Sam.

The preview for next week shows Dean helping Sam out on a case. That’s to be expected. But at the end of that hunt, will Dean return to his suburban life or continue to hunt with Sam? The plot is driving me insane! Where will it lead to???? My curiosity is being prodded by this episode…. Heh heh heh….

Lisa. Oh, how I love Lisa!!! She does truly love Dean, and how he is someone that Ben can look up to. Lisa puts up with Dean’s hunter instincts, I’m sure he barricades and salts the house sometimes when his “spidey senses” are going off. lol Lisa looks like the type of girl that is very kind and understanding, but will be rough with you when needed! Way to go telling Dean he’s an idiot!! She’s one of the few female characters that I truly adore, and there are very few! I hope she pops in every now and then this season. Kind of like Cas’ character last season, popping up every here and there.

Well, one episode in and we’re left with many unanswered questions. I’ve noticed a lot of mixed reactions to the first episode. Some people hated it, well actually, most people disliked the episode and where the season seems to be headed. But it’s only one episode, not much was revealed, I’m going to have to wait a couple episodes before having an opinion of this season.

And YES, that is the same actor that played Ben in “The Kids Are Alright”, Nicholas Elia. He’s also supposed to be in “Two and a Half Men”. SWEET!

episode review, supernatural

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