Yes, because I'm a dork and its a little over 3 weeks away!!!! ZOMG!!!! XD
I like to have lists.
Love 'em.
Because I am a forgetful person sometimes.... or most of the times.... :P
Michelle and I, alone with two others, are driving to California.
You read correctly. DRIVING.
So we don't have to be uber careful on what we pack. I don't have to pack light - HELLZ YEA!!!!!
And to that Michelle said "I am totally buying a chicken and bringing it back!" O_o Otay....
So here is my current packing list for LA Con. *drum roll*
List for LA Con - WHAT TO PACK:
- toothbrush & toothpaste
- shampoo
- body wash & sponge
- razors & tweezers
- deodorant
- face wash
- hair brush & hair ties
- make-up
- contacts & contacts solution & glasses case
- 4 pairs pajamas
- 5 pairs clothes
- hott outfit for karaoke night & for dessert party
- JUST IN CASE outfit & hott outfit (in case of emergency)
- 5 pairs bras & underwear & socks
- swimming suit
- small banner (to get signed)
- SPN Poster (to get signed)
- photo ops (to get signed)
- Rob
- Misha
- Jim
- Richard
- laptop & blank DVDs
- camera & batteries & memory cards
- cell phone charger & car charger
- tape to play MP3 player in car
- pillow
- memory foam (& blankets?)
- Mokona hats
- Fundraiser postcards (to hand out)
- contact cards (to hand out)
- 2 books - in case of boredom
- CD's (or just put on cell phone) to listen in car
And that is my current packing list. I think most of what is in the car will be mine. Yes, there will be enough room for all four of us. We're going in Michelle's Yukon. tis big. And WHY do we need memory foam you ask? Because there's six of us in the room and two will sleep on the floor. I don't know what the sleeping arrangement will be, I just know that the two other girls will most likely share a bed, and I usually end up on the floor. Because I'm too nice and I snore. Like, really, I snore. Loudly. It's insane. I've been told.
Should prove to be an interesting road trip. I will be making and enforcing road rules in order for us to remain sane. For example: no talking about the actors of SPN excessively. In moderation is ok, but that's it. If we have to talk about SPN keep it minimal. For conversation topics think of music, books, and movies as well. Or just random ass stories, as I will provide most of them. ^_^
What are Mokona hats? They're those cute hats I own, one black and one white, of this bunny creature thing in anime. It has a gem in its forehead and long bunny ears. Tis cute. And it'll let me stand out. Should I take the pink sparkly cowboy hat?....
The rest is basically self explanatory. Yea.
I have this problem. Where I feel the blog is not long enough, but in reality its way too fucking long, but I just don't realize it, and I keep finding things to talk about. Like now, I'm rambling, in order to keep typing. Why? Because I love to type. Tis insane. I KNOW.
Do y'all look forward to my vlogging this Cali trip? I plan to purchase internet at the hotel so I can upload vids ASAP on YouTube. I wonder if I'll have to take my old laptop then, since my new laptop won't really let me use windows movie maker.... hmmmmm.... dilemma.
I shall end this now, as I ponder this new problem.