dearest teenagers

Oct 06, 2015 14:35

dearest teenagers,

when you get to your final year of school, you'll likely be looking to attend your graduation dinner/formal/ball/etc. you'll be aware of the the presence of a DJ, and will no doubt have an extensive list of music you'd love that DJ to play for you. as a DJ, who has the privilege of performing at many an "end of highschool" function, allow me to let you in on something:

the majority of songs on your "requested music" list will go unplayed.

why? let me tell you:

you are at a school function, and therefore, school rules apply, and those rules also extend to what i can and cannot do. i am personally obligated to abide by those rules, because, and for obvsiously selfish reasons, my employment and reputation are at stake.

so yes, whilst i may love that eminem song, and know that kendrick's got some stupidly wicked shit, and wiz kahlifa has some good beats to work with, chances are high you've selected the songs in their catalogue i simply cannot play, due to the strict instructions of your teachers.

as someone who was a teenager once, and who does formals for a living, take my word for it: no matter how hard you try to sneak in "that really naughty song your teachers don't know about", you're likely to fail.

don't stop trying though, you might get lucky, but i wouldn't bet on it. ;)

yours in knowledge,
da deej
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