Oct 12, 2008 12:03

Today is a special day 8D

Lol, j/k it really isn't. But that doesn't mean I don't post an LJ anyways. I always post an LJ. It's just what I do. Actually, today I will be working till 6 and coming home to do the following- Vacuum (because I told Kittrel I would.), putting up the Halloween decorations (because they've been sitting in bags all weekend) and cleaning my leopard gecko tank (because I needed another reason to put a reason for something in parenthesis). Then, I will work on the digital shit I owe people for furfright. WITHOUT DISTRACTION. I will not answer your IM's because almost all of you aren't special enough to have me answer you ims. I'm a dick like that. I hope you feel bad about yourselves. Feel really self conscious and start forcing yourselves to throw up or something 8D Peace out people.

furfright commissions, cleaning, halloween, bulemia, vacuum

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