(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 02:38

Spreading the meme, post "top five" or "top ten" here if you want me to give you a list.

For deadmanwade: top 5 favorite bands you've seen play live

This was only slightly-less-difficult than his first suggestion, because I've hardly ever seen any bands play live, much less my favorite ones. Plus, I tend to like non-band kinds of music. So, this is more of a list of bands I have seen live, although I don't know that any of them would be in my list of favorite bands.

1. Riverdance (hey, there was a band! Eileen Ivers was playing with them)
2. Guns & Roses/Metallica (same show, their joint tour, post James Hetfield burns)
3. Loreena McKennitt
4. Highland Sun (friends of mine)
5. Bruno (also my friends)

For akashiver: Top 5 scenes in SF television.

I have Doctor Who on the brain...you can tell...

1. The resonating-concrete scene from "The Doctor Dances"
2. The kiss from "The Parting of the Ways"
3. The Dalek-Cybermen trash-talking from "Doomsday"
4. Captain Jack's kisses goodbye.
5. "Run"

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