I feel muchly accomplished. Being as I actually made use of the tag feature for the various fics, ficlets and best left unspoken bits of ficcage littering my journal. Also, used tags for the entries on my 'recent entries' page and...pretty much gave up after that as I'm LAZY.
Also, have noticed that the entries tagged as '
dorkish' tend to coincide with those tagged as '
squee!'. I'm assuming there's a connection there somewhere.
Plus! Today was made totally worth it as my Elf Robin Tim book came today. Elf Robin Tim in all his cracktastic glory prancing about in elvish garb and spouting horrific dialogue and monologue whilst questing and journeying and other high fantasy things. Oh, and the JLA's in there somewhere...doing stuff too, I suppose.
Elf Robin Tim = pretty. *_*