(no subject)

May 15, 2012 09:53

You guys. Who wants to write me the Heart and Souls AU in which the Avengers are the crazy dead people in Tony's life? Because, seriously, hilarious.

Or, like. The one where Steve is Tony's best (imaginary) friend when he's a tiny child, and then later, when they get him out of the ice he's just, "You seem reaaaally familiar," to Tony, but Tony is kind of crankypants because, you know he thinks Steve's thinking about Howard and, well, daddy issues. Steve is crankypants because Tony's kind of a jerk, and also he has these sort-of memories that don't make sense because Tony's Tony now, and he didn't use to be this way, and it makes him all sad panda because Tony was adorable and not a jerk and now he is and just. Sad panda. :(

So Steve is, "No, no, I mean. Weird, right? But I feel like I know you," and he thinks it was some crazy dream-thing when he was in the ice, but then something happens and Steve is like, "Hey, so remember that time when this thing happened, only I was still frozen in ice and you were like, five? Because, yeah, I do." (IDK, okay? Just. Yeah. *sigh*)

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/398655.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, movies, avengers, plotty things

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