(no subject)

May 01, 2012 05:10

Okay, so I maybe have not-positive feelings regarding Shia LaBeouf as an actor. I may have, at one point, said something along the lines of "Shia LaBeouf ruins everything!" to a co-worker while discussing movies, so, you know, there's that. Still, this thing here is pretty great.

Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf

P.S. For something else that is awesome, there is always Batman fighting a shark with a lightsaber. Definitely just as awesome as Batman fighting a dinosaur, only with more lightsabers.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/397801.html. | You can reply here or there. |

intertubes, don't judge me!, movies, the goddamned batman, youtubery, star wars, actors

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