(no subject)

Apr 12, 2012 20:13

Short Circuit Remake: New Johnny 5 Will Be “Threatening”

I remember being home sick from school with pneumonia as a kid and watching the hell out of the original because it was kind of stupidly awesome, you know? Adorable robot who is all about not disassembling things and his zany, wacky adventures. (And, okay, there's a message, but. Johnny 5, okay?)

The whole reason that movie worked was because he's adorkable, and it sounds like they want to turn the new Johnny 5 into a broody bastard. (I am totally not picturing him on some dark roof yelling at the heavens about why he was given this gift of sentience if it only leads to such uncertainty and then possibly shaking his robot fist at said heavens because that would be lame and horrible and it also wouldn't start raining on him because that would be serious overkill, but. Brooding deserves atmosphere, right?)

Really, Hollywood? You couldn't make, I don't know, a new movie with a new robot? Because seriously, you can do pretty much anything you want there, and not ruin other peoples' precious childhood memories/have upset fans on your hands. Plus, it's not people can be all, "You totally stole that from Short Circuit!" because robots who gain sentience are always questioning their programming/orders.

If we're very, very lucky they question if killing is right or wrong and everything that goes with that and usually they realize the answer is "No," and we are all, "YAY!" because, you know, one less murderous robot. If we have particularly shit luck that day, however, and the robot is all, "Dude, being a murderous robot is totally awesome! :DDDDDDDDDDDD" we get Skynet and the goddamned terminators who want to kill the shit out of us.

Just. Um. I think I had a point or something, but, well. Murderous robots. *hands

...Oh, God. What happens a few years down the road when someone wants to reimagine WALL-E?

Will he realize the full extent of mankind's folly after centuries of seeing it firsthand? When he meets EVE and learns humans are still alive, will he become a robotic dictator who rules Earth and the remaining humans with his tiny iron(?) fist? No doubt he wins EVE over to his side with the promise of putting the humans who have controlled her her whole existence in their places. Also, I'm betting she becomes the commander of their robot forces who won't hesitate to execute dissenters and is quick to crush any signs or rebellion.

...Yeah. So. :D?

ETA: Totally nothing to do with killer robots. I'm reasonably sure.

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/396147.html. | You can reply here or there. |

intertubes, video games, movies, end of days, my childhood!, arghh!

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