(no subject)

Mar 28, 2012 17:43

So. Hmm. Work. Yesterday I got to put a display into the trash compacter. We've had this particular display for a while, and I had no real opinions about it either way? And yet? When I was given the okay to put in the compacter my feelings were all over the place.

First, uneasiness/fear because, you know, what if we read the layouts wrong and the display is meant to be kept, only lol, too bad, because now it is destroyed forever. Second, a highly disturbing sort of glee because, omg, destruction. YAY. \o/ Third, omg, what is wrong with me? I could have taken pictures to use when threatening friends/co-workers, such as "Do this thing for me or I'll crush you like the compacter crushed this display! >:(".

Oh, and fourth, hunger. (This last one may have had something to do with me skipping breakfast, though, so I'm not too worried.)

Also! Sleep is totally awesome, you guys. You should try it. :)

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/395175.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, wtf, work, rl

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