(no subject)

Mar 19, 2012 17:44

Michael Bay Taking ‘Mutant’ Out of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Reboot

Why, though, is the thing. I mean. Really. Why not just make a movie with aliens who are also ninjas but not necessarily turtles? Or mutants? Or even mutant turtles who are not yet adults? I would totally go for a movie with alien ninjas. Who wouldn't, right? But no. No, he has to be all, "I am Michael Bay. Watch me totally destroy yet another cherished childhood memory for you! On the house, even! :DDD"

At this point in time I just. I give up, okay? I give up. Although, really? I wonder what he'd do with the Care Bears. Or, like. Strawberry Shortcake.

...Holy crap. Strawberry Shortcake and friends as a crack commando unit/ninjas/mercenaries doing battle with the nefarious forces of The Peculiar Purple Pieman. (Possibly the Lex Luthor of this world, what with his affinity for purple.) I'm betting he's formed some sort of, I don't know, Legion of Doom Bakers, and the only ones who can stop them are Strawberry Shortcake and friends.

And yes, I am totally picturing this as a gritty action blockbuster in which explosions abound and maybe there are car chases and the Strawberry Cafe is a front for Shortcake's crack commando unit/ninjas/mercenaries. Or maybe Strawberry Shortcake became disillusioned and left the military and somehow became the leader of a ragtag bunch of misfits and outcasts who have severe trust issues when it comes to the government and yet still find themselves accepting missions to protect said government because they're the best at what they do. (Mostly exploding the hell out of things, but whatever. It's a living.)

I'm sure there will be intrigue and betrayal - perhaps one of Shortcake's people is accused of being a mole, and must then prove her/his innocence? Also, probably there are shootouts and as I am a fan of them, knives and swords and other assorted bladed weapons. Undoubtedly there will be a climactic final confrontation on a rooftop somewhere between Shortcake and Pieman in which one shall stand, one shall fall.

...I mean. Yes. :D?

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/394049.html. | You can reply here or there. |

strawberry shortcake, don't judge me!, movies, cartoons, my childhood!, tmnt, wtf

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