(no subject)

Jan 03, 2012 20:21

Ahaha? /o\ Last summer I had a plot bunny for Steve and Danny's ~epic honeymoon road trip across America, only then I kind of failed at writing it? I wrote a few scenes here and there and this is one of them that I cleaned up a little. It takes place fairly early in their ~epic honeymoon road trip and owes a lot to this.

Danny slides a look at Steve, all narrow-eyed focus. He's pacing around the base of the shoe tree, surveying the surrounding area. Know him, he's probably plotting various approaches someone with a serious grudge against roadside attractions might take and the best places to set a trap for them, among other things.

"You do realize this is supposed to be a vacation, right?" Danny asks mildly. "You know. Take some time off. Relax. That kind of thing."

Steve glances over his shoulder at Danny. "Crime doesn't take vacations, Danny." Steve is the only person Danny knows who could say something like that and mean it.

"Of course not," Danny says. "That would just be weird."

Steve rolls his eyes and heads towards the tree. He doesn't understand what the point of a shoe tree is and considers them eyesores and possibly crimes against humanity, but damned if he's going to let some asshole come along and cut it down.

"Hey," Danny says, getting up to follow Steve. "I'm pretty sure we're out of our jurisdiction here." Give or take a few thousand miles. "Plus that whole vacation thing." It's not as though Danny wants to let the asshole who's been going around destroying important pieces of American history get away with it, it's just. Steve is taking this a little too seriously. "Also, not to rain on your parade or anything, but I highly doubt explosives will be necessary in this instance."

"Danny," Steve says, giving him one of the many exasperated faces Steve has in his repertoire.

Danny nods. "Oh that's right," he says. "They wouldn't let you bring them on the plane."


Danny looks at Steve, really looks at him. He's looking better than he did when Danny all but dragged him kicking and screaming onto the plane a week ago, but not by much. Danny didn't expect their little vacation to miraculously fix Steve, but he had a vague sort of hope that it might help. This. Steve turning into some kind of roadside attraction vigilante wasn't part of the equation.

"Yeah, okay.” For the last few days Steve's been. Antsy isn't quite the right word for it. Restless, maybe. Having something like a serial tree killer to keep him occupied might actually help. "Why don't you run your plan by me, McGarrett?"

Steve goes from annoyed to a vaguely disturbing level of excited Danny's familiar with in the span of a heartbeat as he lays out everything they've picked up on the way to their current location. Not much, really, just what they found in the local papers and second-hand information from a waitress at a roadside diner a few miles back. Not much to go on, but Steve has a plan of action anyway.

"Okay, okay," Danny says, when Steve stops talking and looks at him expectantly. It's not a bad plan, all things told, but still. "If we end up in jail, I choose to blame you."

"We're not going to end up in jail, Danny."

"Says you."

"Says me," Steve says, with the sort of confidence only he has.

Danny eyes him for a moment. "What the hell. Chin figured we'd end getting arrested by Wednesday.” Kono graciously gave them until the weekend. “Let's do it."

Steve looks like he can't decide between being angry, offended, or confused. "...What?"

"Nothing," Danny says, flapping a hand at him. Steve doesn't need to know about the betting pool Chin and Kono have going on all the ways their vacation can go wrong. "Let's get this show on the road, so to speak, shall we?"

Steve tries out an intimidating stare, more of a glare, really, but it's not like that ever worked on Danny.

"Seriously," Danny says, turning toward their rental. Steve's got a plan, something that stands a good chance of landing in them in a cell right next to the asshole who's been cutting down shoe trees, but whatever. It's not as though he can let Steve do this alone. He's never been good at that. "You know that never worked on me."

"Yeah," Steve says, catching up to Danny, a smile in his voice. “I noticed.”

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/389936.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, hawaii five-0, wtf, fic

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